§ 1139.10 - Producer-handler.  

Latest version.
  • Producer-handler means any person who meets all of the following conditions:

    (a) Operates a dairy farm(s) from which the milk produced thereon is supplied to a plant operated by such person in accordance with the conditions set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, and provides proof satisfactory to the market administrator that:

    (1) The full maintenance of milk-producing cows on such farm(s) is such person's sole risk, and under such person's complete and exclusive management and control;

    (2) Each such farm is owned or operated by and at the sole risk of such person, and under such person's complete and exclusive management and control; and

    (3) Only such person, and no other person (except a member of such person's immediate family, or a stockholder in the case of a corporate operator) employed on such farm(s) own, fully or partially, either the cows producing the milk on the farm or the farm on which it is produced;

    (b) Operates a plant in which approved milk is processed or packaged and from which there is route disposition during the month in the marketing area, and:

    (1) No fluid milk products are received at such plant during the month or by such person at any other location except:

    (i) From the dairy farm(s) specified in paragraph (a) of this section; and

    (ii) From pool plants by transfer or diversion, or from other order plants, excluding flavored and cultured fluid milk products, in an amount that is not in excess of the larger of 5,000 pounds or 5 percent of such person's Class I disposition during the month, except, such monthly limit shall not apply during the following months of December through August to a producer-handler who received an amount, excluding flavored and cultured fluid milk products, not in excess of the larger of 15,000 pounds or 5 percent of such person's Class I disposition during the previous period of September through November.

    (2) Such plant is operated under such person's complete and exclusive management and control and at such person's sole risk, and is not used during the month to process, package, receive or otherwise handle fluid milk products for any other person; and

    (3) For the purpose of this section, all fluid milk products disposed of as route disposition or at stores operated by such person or by any person (including the operator of a plant, or vendor) who controls or is controlled by such person (e.g., as an interlocking stockholder) or in which such person (including, in the case of a corporation, any stockholder therein) has a financial interest, shall be considered as having been received at such person's plant; and the utilization for such plant shall include all such route and store dispositions; and

    (c) Disposes of no other source milk (except in the fortification of fluid milk products) as Class I milk.