§ 1139.13 - Producer milk.  

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  • Producer milk means the skim milk and butterfat in milk of a producer that is:

    (a) Received or diverted by a handler defined in § 1139.9(a) under one of the following conditions:

    (1) Received at such handler's pool plant directly from the farm of such producer;

    (2) Received at such handler's pool plant from a handler defined in § 1139.9(c); or

    (3) Diverted to a nonpool plant subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (d) of this section;

    (b) Diverted by a handler defined in § 1139.9(b) to a nonpool plant subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (d) of this section;

    (c) Received by a handler defined in § 1139.9(c) from the producer's farm in excess of the producer's milk that is received at pool plants pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section. Such producer milk shall be deemed to have been received by the handler at the location of the pool plant to which the milk was delivered;

    (d) The following conditions shall apply to producer milk diverted to a nonpool plant:

    (1) The weighted average differential applicable to such milk shall be adjusted based on the location of the plant to which delivered, but it shall not be adjusted to a lower figure than is applicable at the location determined pursuant to § 1139.52 (a) or (b) based on the location of the county seat or the county courthouse of the county in which such producer's farm is located.

    (2) A cooperative association or federation may divert for its account the milk of any of its producers from whom at least one day's milk production is received during the month at a pool plant. The total quantity of milk diverted by a cooperative association during any month may not exceed 75 percent of the producer milk that the cooperative association causes to be delivered to or diverted from pool plants during the month. Two or more cooperative associations may have their allowable diversions computed on the basis of their combined deliveries of the producer milk which the cooperative associations cause to be delivered to pool plants or diverted pursuant to this section if each association has filed a request in writing with the market administrator before the first day of the month the agreement is effective. This request shall specify the basis for assigning over-diverted milk to the producer deliveries of each cooperative association according to a method approved by the market administrator.

    (3) The operator of a pool plant (other than a cooperative association or federation) may divert for its account the milk of any producer (other than milk diverted pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section) from whom at least one day's milk production is received during the month at a pool plant. The total quantity of milk so diverted may not exceed 70 percent in the months of April through August, and 60 percent in other months of the producer milk received at or diverted from such pool plant for which the operator of such plant is the handler during the month. The milk for which the operator of such plant is the handler for the month may not duplicate milk diverted pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section;

    (4) The diversion limits of this paragraph may be increased or decreased by up to 10 percentage points by the Director of the Dairy Division if that person finds such revision is necessary to obtain needed shipments or to prevent uneconomic shipments. Before making such a finding, the Director shall investigate the needs for revision either at the Director's own initiative or at the request of interested persons. If the investigation shows that a revision might be appropriate, the Director shall issue a notice stating that the revision is being considered and invite data, views, and arguments;

    (5) Diversions in excess of the percentages in paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) of this section shall not be producer milk, and the diverting handler shall designate the milk which is not producer milk. If the handler fails to make such designation, no milk diverted by the handler shall be producer milk. In the event some of the milk of any producer is determined not to be producer milk pursuant to this paragraph, other milk delivered by the producer during the month as producer milk will not be subject to § 1139.12(b)(4); and

    (6) Milk of a dairy farmer who was not a producer in the preceding month shall not be eligible for diversion until after one day's milk production from such farmer has been received at a pool plant.