§ 1139.30 - Reports of receipts and utilization.  

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  • On or before the seventh day after the end of the month, each handler shall report to the market administrator, in the detail and on forms prescribed by the market administrator, the following information for such month:

    (a) Each handler who operates one or more pool plants shall report for each such plant the quantities of, and the pounds of skim milk and butterfat contained in or represented by:

    (1) Receipts of producer milk, including producer milk diverted by the handler, and the pounds of milk protein contained in such receipts;

    (2) Receipts of milk from handlers defined in § 1139.9(c) and the pounds of milk protein contained in such receipts;

    (3) Receipts of fluid milk products and bulk fluid cream products from other pool plants;

    (4) Receipts of other source milk;

    (5) Inventories at the beginning and end of the month of fluid milk products and products specified in § 1139.40(b)(1); and

    (6) The utilization, disposition or month-end inventories of all milk, filled milk, and milk products required to be reported pursuant to this paragraph.

    (b) Each handler operating a partially regulated distributing plant shall report with respect to such plant in the same manner as prescribed for reports required under paragraph (a) of this section. Receipts of milk that would have been producer milk if the plant had been fully regulated shall be reported in lieu of producer milk.

    (c) Each handler as defined in § 1139.9(b) and (c) shall report:

    (1) The quantities of, and pounds of skim milk, butterfat and milk protein contained in receipts of milk from producers; and

    (2) The utilization or disposition of all skim milk, butterfat and milk protein in such receipts.

    (d) Each handler not specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section shall report with respect to all receipts and utilization of milk, filled milk, and milk products in such manner as the market administrator may prescribe.