§ 1139.41 - Shrinkage.  

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  • For purposes of classifying all skim milk and butterfat to be reported by a handler pursuant to § 1139.30, the market administrator shall determine the following:

    (a) The pro rata assignment of shrinkage of skim and butterfat, respectively, at each pool plant to the respective qualities of skim milk and butterfat:

    (1) In the receipts specified in paragraphs (b) (1) through (6) of this section on which shrinkage is allowed pursuant to such paragraph; and

    (2) In other source milk not specified in paragraphs (b) (1) through (6) of this section which was received in the form of a bulk fluid milk product or a bulk fluid cream product.

    (b) The shrinkage of skim milk and butterfat, respectively, assigned pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section to the receipts specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section that is not in excess of:

    (1) Two percent of the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in producer milk (excluding milk diverted by the plant operator, or received from handlers defined in § 1139.9(c));

    (2) Plus 1.5 percent of the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in milk received from handlers defined in § 1139.9(c), except if the operator of the plant to which the milk is delivered purchases such milk on the basis of weights determined from its measurement at the farm and protein and butterfat tests determined from farm bulk tank samples, the applicable percentage shall be 2 percent;

    (3) Plus 0.5 percent of the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in producer milk diverted by the plant operator to another plant, except that if the operator of the plant to which the milk is delivered purchases such milk on the basis of weights determined from its measurement at the farm and protein and butterfat tests determined from farm bulk tank samples, the applicable percentage shall be zero;

    (4) Plus 1.5 percent of the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in bulk fluid milk products received by transfer from other pool plants;

    (5) Plus 1.5 percent of the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in bulk fluid milk products received by transfer from other order plants, excluding the quantity for which Class II or Class III classification is requested by the operators of both plants;

    (6) Plus 1.5 percent of the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in bulk fluid milk products received from unregulated supply plants, excluding the quantity for which Class II or Class III classification is requested by the handler; and

    (7) Less 1.5 percent of the skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in bulk milk transferred to other plants that is not in excess of the respective quantities of skim milk and butterfat to which percentages are applied in paragraphs (b) (1), (2), (4), (5), and (6) of this section; and

    (c) The quantity of skim milk and butterfat, respectively, in shrinkage of milk from producers for which a cooperative association or federation is the handler pursuant to § 1139.9(b) or (c), but not in excess of 0.5 percent of skim milk and butterfat, respectively, thereof. If the operator of the plant to which the milk is delivered purchases such milk on the basis of weights determined from its measurement at the farm and protein and butterfat tests determined from farm bulk tank samples, the applicable percentage for the cooperative association or federation shall be zero.