§ 1139.61 - Computation of weighted average differential value.  

Latest version.
  • For each month the market administrator shall compute the weighted average differential value for milk received from all producers as follows:

    (a) Combine into one total the values computed pursuant to § 1139.60, paragraphs (a) through (g) and (j) and (k), for all handlers who made reports pursuant to § 1139.30 and who made payments pursuant to § 1139.71 for the preceding month;

    (b) Add an amount equal to the sum of the deductions to be made for location adjustments pursuant to § 1136.75;

    (c) Add an amount equal to not less than one-half the unobligated balance in the producer-settlement fund;

    (d) Divide the resulting amount by the sum of the following for all handlers included in these computations:

    (1) The total hundredweight of producer milk;

    (2) The total hundredweight for which a value is computed pursuant to § 1139.60(g).

    (e) Subtract not more than 5 cents per hundredweight. The result is the “Weighted Average Differential Price”.