§ 1139.74 - Payments to producers and to cooperative associations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of this section, each handler shall, on or before the last day of each month, make a partial payment to each producer from whom milk was received during the first 15 days of the month, and who had shipped milk to such handler through the 17th day of the month, at the rate set forth in § 1139.73(a), less proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer;

    (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of this section, each handler shall, on or before the 17th day of the following month, make a final payment to each producer for milk received from such producer during the month at no less than the total amount computed in accordance with the provisions set forth in § 1139.73(b) with respect to such milk:

    (1) Less any deductions for marketing services pursuant to § 1139.86;

    (2) Less payment made pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section for such month;

    (3) Less proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer;

    (4) Plus or minus adjustments for errors made in previous payments to such producer and proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer; and

    (5) If by the date specified such handler has not received full payment from the market administrator pursuant to § 1139.72 for such month, the handler may reduce his payments to producers pro rata by not more than the amount of such underpayment. Payments to producers shall be completed thereafter no later than the date for making payments pursuant to this paragraph next following after receipt of the balance due from the market administrator.

    (c) Payment shall be made in the manner set forth in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this section to a cooperative association for milk received from such association pursuant to § 1139.13(a)(2) or from its member producers pursuant to § 1139.13(a)(1) if the cooperative association is authorized by its members to collect payment for their milk and the cooperative association notifies the handler and the market administrator in writing of its desire to make such collection:

    (1) On or before the 3rd day prior the last day of the month for milk received from the members of such cooperative association at the rates set forth in § 1139.73(a); and

    (2) On or before the 16th day of the following month such handler shall pay to such cooperative association the sum of the payments computed in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 1139.73(b) with respect to deliveries by producer-members of such cooperative association to handler(s) from whom payment has been requested, less the amounts of payments made to such cooperative association pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and less the amount retained by handlers as authorized deductions.

    (d) Each handler who received milk from producers for which payment is to be made to a cooperative association pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section shall report to such cooperative association and to the market administrator on or before the 7th day of the following month as follows:

    (1) The total pounds of milk received during the month and, if requested, the pounds received from each member-producer;

    (2) The amount of payment made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section and the quantity of milk to which such payment applied; and

    (3) The amount or rate and nature of any proper deductions authorized to be made from such payments.

    (e) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for milk received from a pool plant operated by such association on the basis of the classification thereof assigned by the market administrator as follows:

    (1) On or before the 3rd day prior to the last day of the month for milk received during the first 15 days of the month at the Class III price (or basic formula price) for the previous month; and

    (2) On or before the 16th day after the end of the month for milk received during the month at the following rates:

    (i) The butterfat price per pound for the butterfat contained in such milk; plus

    (ii) The milk protein price per pound for the pounds of protein contained in Class II and Class III use and the skim milk price per hundredweight for Class I use of such milk; plus

    (iii) The difference between the Class I price adjusted pursuant to § 1139.52 and the Class III price multiplied by the hundredweight of such milk classified as Class I; plus

    (iv) The difference between the Class II and Class III prices multiplied by the hundredweight of such milk classified as Class II; plus

    (v) The amount assessed by the market administrator with respect to such milk pursuant to 1139.85; less

    (vi) Payments made pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of this section.