§ 1139.76 - Payments by a handler operating a partially regulated distributing plant.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each handler who operates a partially regulated distributing plant that is not subject to a milk classification and pricing program that provides for marketwide pooling of producer returns and is enforced under the authority of a state government shall pay on or before the 25th day after the end of the month to the market administrator for the producer-settlement fund the amount computed pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section, or, if the handler submits pursuant to §§ 1139.30(b) and 1139.31(b) the information necessary for making the appropriate computations, and so elects, the amount computed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section:

    (1) An amount computed as follows:

    (i) Determine the pounds of route disposition in the marketing area from the partially regulated distributing plant;

    (ii) Subtract the pounds of fluid milk products received at the partially regulated distributing plant;

    (a) As Class I milk from pool plants and other order plants, except that subtracted under a similar provision of another Federal milk order; and

    (b) From another nonpool plant that is not an other order plant to the extent that an equivalent amount of fluid milk products disposed of to such nonpool plant by handlers fully regulated under any Federal milk order is classified and priced as Class I milk and is not used as an offset for any other payment obligation under any order;

    (iii) Subtract the pounds of reconstituted milk that are made from nonfluid milk products and which are then disposed of as route disposition in the marketing area from the partially regulated distributing plant;

    (iv) Multiply the remaining pounds by the amount the Class I-Class III price difference exceeds the weighted average differential computed pursuant to § 1139.61 as adjusted by the appropriate location or zone differential (but in no case less than 0);

    (v) Add the amount obtained from multiplying the pounds of labeled reconstituted milk included in paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section by the difference between the Class I price applicable at the location of the partially regulated distributing plant less $1.00 (but not to be less than the Class III price) and the Class III price. For any reconstituted milk that is not so labeled, the Class I price shall not be reduced by $1.00. Alternatively, for such disposition, payments may be made to the producer-settlement fund of the order regulating the producer milk used to produce the nonfluid milk ingredients at the difference between the Class I price applicable under the other order at the location of the plant where the nonfluid milk ingredients were processed (but not to be less than the Class III price) and the Class III price. This payment option shall apply only if a majority of the total milk received at the plant that processed the nonfluid milk ingredients is regulated under one or more Federal orders and payment may only be made to the producer-settlement fund of the order pricing a plurality of the milk used to produce the nonfluid milk ingredients. This payment option shall not apply if the source of the nonfluid ingredients used in reconstituted fluid milk products cannot be determined by the market administrator.

    (2) An amount computed as follows:

    (i) Determine the value that would have been computed pursuant to § 1139.60 for the partially regulated distributing plant if the plant had been a pool plant, subject to the following modifications:

    (a) Fluid milk products and bulk fluid cream products received at the partially regulated distributing plant from a pool plant or an other order plant shall be allocated at the partially regulated distributing plant to the same class in which products were classified at the fully regulated plant;

    (b) Fluid milk products and bulk fluid cream products transferred from the partially regulated distributing plant to a pool plant or an other order plant shall be classified at the partially regulated distributing plant in the class to which allocated at the fully regulated plant. Such transfers shall be allocated to the extent possible to those receipts at the partially regulated distributing plant from pool plants and other order plants that are classified in the corresponding class pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(i)(a) of this section. Any such transfers remaining after the above allocation which are classified in Class I and for which a value is computed for the handler operating the partially regulated distributing plant pursuant to § 1139.60(e) shall be priced at the uniform price (or at the weighted average price if such is provided) of the respective order regulating the handling of milk at the transferee-plant, with such uniform price (or weighted average price) adjusted to the location of the nonpool plant (but not to be less than the lowest class price of the respective order), except that transfers of reconstituted skim milk in filled milk shall be priced at the lowest class price of the respective order;

    (c) If the operator of the partially regulated distributing plant so requests, the value of milk determined pursuant to § 1139.60 for such handler shall include in lieu of the value of other source milk specified in § 1139.60(g) less the value of such other source milk specified in § 1139.71(a)(2)(iii) a value of milk determined pursuant to § 1139.60 for each nonpool plant that is not an other order plant which serves as a supply plant for such partially regulated distributing plant by making shipments to the partially regulated distributing plant during the month equivalent to the requirements of § 1139.7(c) subject to the following conditions:

    (1) The operator of the partially regulated distributing plant submits with reports filed for the month pursuant to §§ 1139.30(b) and 1139.31(b) similar reports for each nonpool supply plant;

    (2) The operator of such nonpool supply plant maintains books and records showing the utilization of all milk and milk products received at such plant which are made available if requested by the market administrator for verification purposes; and

    (3) The value of milk determined pursuant to § 1139.60 for such nonpool supply plant shall be determined in the same manner prescribed for computing the obligation of such partially regulated distributing plant; and

    (ii) From the partially regulated distributing plant's value of milk computed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, subtract:

    (a) The gross payment made by the operator of such partially regulated distributing plant, less the value of the butterfat at the butterfat price specified in § 1139.50(d), for milk received at the plant during the month that would have been producer milk if the plant had been fully regulated;

    (b) If paragraph (a)(2)(i)(c) of this section applies, the gross payments by the operator of such nonpool supply plant, less the value of the butterfat at the butterfat price specified in § 1139.50(d), for milk received at the plant during the month that would have been producer milk if the plant had been fully regulated; and

    (c) The payments by the operator of the partially regulated distributing plant to the producer-settlement fund of another order under which such plant is also a partially regulated distributing plant, and like payments by the operator of the nonpool supply plant if paragraph (a)(2)(i)(c) of this section applies.

    (b) Each handler who operates a partially regulated distributing plant which is subject to marketwide pooling of returns under a milk classification and pricing program that is imposed under the authority of the state government shall pay on or before the 25th day after the end of the month to the market administrator for the producer-settlement fund an amount computed as follows:

    (1) Determine the pounds of route disposition in the marketing area from the partially regulated distributing plant;

    (2) Subtract the pounds of fluid milk products received at the partially regulated distributing plant;

    (i) As Class I milk from pool plants and other order plants, except that subtracted under a similar provision under another Federal milk order;

    (ii) From another nonpool plant that is not an other order plant to the extent that an equivalent amount of fluid milk products disposed of to such nonpool plants by handlers fully regulated under any Federal milk order is classified and priced as Class I milk and is not used as an offset for any other payment obligation under any order;

    (3) Determine the value of the remaining pounds according to the difference between the appropriate Class prices applicable at the location of the partially regulated distributing plant (but not to be less than zero) as announced by the State order and as determined pursuant to § 1139.50.

    (c) Any handler may elect partially regulated distributing plant status for any plant with respect to receipts of nonfluid milk ingredients assigned to Class I use under § 1139.43(d). Payments may be made to the producer-settlement fund of the order regulating the producer milk used to produce the nonfluid milk ingredients at the difference between the Class I price applicable under the other order at the location of the plant where the nonfluid milk ingredients were processed (but not to be less than the Class III price) and the Class III price. This payment option shall apply only if a majority of the total milk received at the plant that processed the nonfluid milk ingredients is regulated under one or more Federal orders and payment may only be made to the producer-settlement fund of the order pricing a plurality of the milk used to produce the nonfluid milk ingredients. This payment option shall not apply if the source of the nonfluid ingredients used in reconstituted fluid milk products cannot be determined by the market administrator.