§ 1139.8 - Nonpool plant.  

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  • Nonpool plant means any plant defined in this section, and any other milk receiving, manufacturing, or processing plant, other than a pool plant:

    (a) Producer-handler plant means a plant operated by a producer-handler as defined in this, or any other order issued pursuant to the Act.

    (b) Other order plant means a plant as specified under paragraph (b)(1), (2) or (3) of this section that is fully subject to the pricing and pooling provisions of another order issued pursuant to the Act:

    (1) A distributing plant qualified pursuant to §1139.7(a) that also meets the pool plant requirements of another Federal order, and from which the Secretary determines a greater quantity of Class I milk was disposed of as route disposition during the month in such other Federal order marketing area than was disposed of as route disposition in this marketing area, except that if such plant was subject to all the provisions of this order in the immediately preceding month, it shall continue to be subject to all the provisions of this order until the third consecutive month in which a greater proportion of its Class I route disposition is made in such other marketing area;

    (2) A supply plant qualified pursuant to § 1139.7(c) that also meets the pool plant requirements of another Federal order and from which a larger quantity of fluid milk products is transferred during the month to plants regulated under such other order than is transferred to distributing plants under this order, except that transfers to other order plants for Class III dispositions during the months of March through July shall be disregarded for purposes of this computation if the operator of the supply plant elects to retain pool status under this order; or

    (3) A plant qualified pursuant to § 1139.7(a), (b), or (c) which the Secretary determines, despite the provisions of this order, to be fully regulated under another Federal order.

    (c) Exempt plant means a distributing plant:

    (1) Having less than an average of one thousand pounds per day of route dispositions in the marketing area during the month;

    (2) Operated by a governmental agency, or a duly accredited college or university, disposing of fluid milk products only through the operation of its own food service, and having no route dispositions in commercial channels; or

    (3) From which the total route disposition is to individuals or institutions for charitable purposes without remuneration from such individuals or institutions.

    (d) Partially regulated distributing plant means a distributing plant that does not qualify as a pool plant and is not an other order plant, a producer-handler plant, or an exempt distributing plant.

    (e) Unregulated supply plant means a supply plant that does not qualify as a pool plant and is not an other order plant, a producer-handler plant, or an exempt distributing plant.