Subpart A - Soybean Promotion and Research Order  

United Soybean Board
§ 1220.201 - Membership of board.
§ 1220.202 - Term of office.
§ 1220.203 - Nominations.
§ 1220.204 - Appointment.
§ 1220.205 - Nominee's agreement to serve.
§ 1220.206 - Vacancies.
§ 1220.207 - Alternate members.
§ 1220.208 - Removal.
§ 1220.209 - Procedure.
§ 1220.210 - Compensation and reimbursement.
§ 1220.211 - Powers of the Board.
§ 1220.212 - Duties.
§ 1220.101 - Act.
§ 1220.102 - Board.
§ 1220.103 - Commerce.
§ 1220.104 - Committee.
§ 1220.105 - Consumer information.
§ 1220.106 - [Reserved]
§ 1220.107 - Cooperator organization.
§ 1220.108 - Department.
§ 1220.109 - Eligible organization.
§ 1220.110 - First purchaser.
§ 1220.111 - Fiscal period.
§ 1220.112 - Industry information.
§ 1220.113 - Marketing.
§ 1220.114 - National nonprofit producer-governed organization.
§ 1220.115 - Net market price.
§ 1220.116 - Part and subpart.
§ 1220.117 - Plans and projects.
§ 1220.118 - Person.
§ 1220.119 - Producer.
§ 1220.120 - [Reserved]
§ 1220.121 - Promotion.
§ 1220.122 - Qualified State Soybean Board.
§ 1220.123 - Referendum.
§ 1220.124 - [Reserved]
§ 1220.125 - Research.
§ 1220.126 - Secretary.
§ 1220.127 - Soybean products.
§ 1220.128 - Soybeans.
§ 1220.129 - State and United States.
§ 1220.130 - Unit.
Soybean Program Coordinating Committee
§ 1220.213 - Establishment and membership.
§ 1220.214 - Term of office.
§ 1220.215 - Vacancies.
§ 1220.216 - Procedure.
§ 1220.217 - Compensation and reimbursement.
§ 1220.218 - Officers of the Committee.
§ 1220.219 - Powers of the Committee.
§ 1220.220 - Duties of the Committee.
§ 1220.251 - Proceedings after termination.
§ 1220.252 - Effect of termination or amendment.
§ 1220.253 - Personal liability.
§ 1220.254 - Patents, copyrights, inventions, and publications.
§ 1220.255 - Amendments.
§ 1220.256 - Separability.
§ 1220.257 - OMB control numbers.
Reports, Books, and Records
§ 1220.241 - Reports.
§ 1220.242 - Books and records.
§ 1220.243 - Confidential treatment.
Expenses and Assessments
§ 1220.222 - Expenses.
§ 1220.223 - Assessments.
§ 1220.228 - Qualified State Soybean Boards.
§ 1220.229 - Influencing governmental action.
§ 1220.230 - Promotion, research, consumer information, and industry information.
§§ 1220.224--1220.227 - [Reserved]