§ 1300.1 - Compact Commission.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Designation. The agency for the administration of the Pricing Regulation shall be the compact commission.

    (b) Powers. The compact commission shall have the following powers:

    (1) Administer the pricing regulation in accordance with its terms and provisions;

    (2) Make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of the pricing regulation;

    (3) Receive and investigate complaints of violations;

    (4) Recommend amendments.

    (c) Duties. The compact commission shall perform all the duties necessary to administer the terms and provisions of the pricing regulation, including, but not limited to the following:

    (1) Employ and fix the compensation of persons necessary to enable them to exercise their powers and perform their duties;

    (2) Pay out of funds provided by the administrative assessment all expenses necessarily incurred in the maintenance and functioning of their office and in the performance of their duties;

    (3) Keep records which will clearly reflect the transactions provided for in the pricing regulation;

    (4) Announce publicly at its discretion, by such means as it deems appropriate, the name of any handler who, after the date upon which he is required to perform such act, has not:

    (i) Made reports required by the pricing regulation;

    (ii) Made payments required by the pricing regulation; or

    (iii) Made available records and facilities as required pursuant to § 1300.3;

    (5) Prescribe reports required of each handler under the pricing regulation. Verify such reports and the payments required by the pricing regulation by examining records (including such papers as copies of income tax reports, fiscal and product accounts, correspondence, contracts, documents or memoranda,) of the handler, and the records of any other person that are relevant to the handler's obligation under the pricing regulation, by examining such handler's milk handling facilities; and by such other investigation as the compact commission deems necessary for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of any report or any obligation under the pricing regulation. Reclassify fluid milk product received by any handler if such examination and investigation discloses that the original classification was incorrect;

    (6) Furnish each regulated handler a written statement of such handler's accounts with the compact commission promptly each month. Furnish a corrected statement to such handler if verification discloses that the original statement was incorrect; and

    (7) Prepare and disseminate publicly for the benefit of producers, handlers, and consumers such statistics and other information covering operation of the pricing regulation and facts relevant to the provisions thereof (or proposed provisions) as do not reveal confidential information.