§ 1300.2 - Continuity and separability of provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Effective time. The provisions of this pricing regulation or any amendment to the pricing regulation shall become effective at such time as the compact commission may declare and shall continue in force until suspended or terminated.

    (b) Suspension or termination. The compact commission shall suspend or terminate any or all of the provisions of the pricing regulation whenever they find that such provision(s) obstructs or does not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the compact. The pricing regulation shall terminate whenever the provisions of the compact authorizing it cease to be in effect.

    (c) Continuing obligations. If upon the suspension or termination of any or all of the provisions of the pricing regulation there are any obligations arising under the pricing regulation, the final accrual or ascertainment of which requires acts by any handler, by the compact commission, or by any other person, the power and duty to perform such further acts shall continue notwithstanding such suspensions or termination.