§ 1300.3 - Handler responsibility for records and facilities.  

Latest version.
  • Each handler shall maintain and retain records of his operations and make such records and his facilities available to the compact commission. If adequate records of a handler, or of any other person, that are relevant to the obligation of such handler are not maintained and made available, any fluid milk product required to be reported by such handler for which adequate records are not available shall not be considered accounted for or established as used in a class other than the highest price class.

    (a) Records to be maintained. (1) Each handler shall maintain records of his operations (including, but not limited to, records of purchases, sales, processing, packaging and disposition) as are necessary to verify whether such handler has any obligation under the pricing regulation and if so, the amount of such obligation. Such records shall be such as to establish for each plant or other receiving point for each month:

    (i) The quantities of fluid milk product contained in, or represented by, products received in any form, including inventories on hand at the beginning of the month, according to form, time and source of each receipt;

    (ii) The utilization of all fluid milk product showing the respective quantities of such fluid milk product in each form disposed of or on hand at the end of the month; and

    (iii) Payments to producers, dairy farmers and cooperative associations, including the amount and nature of any deductions and the disbursement of money so deducted.

    (2) Each handler shall keep such other specific records as the compact commission deems necessary to verify or establish such handler's obligation under the pricing regulation.

    (b) Availability of records and facilities. Each handler shall make available all records pertaining to such handler's operation and all facilities the compact commission finds are necessary to verify the information required to be reported by the pricing regulation and/or to ascertain such handler's reporting, monetary or other obligation under the pricing regulation. Each handler shall permit the compact commission to observe plant operations and equipment and make available to the compact commission such facilities as are necessary to carry out their duties.

    (c) Retention of records. All records required under the pricing regulation to be made available to the compact commission shall be retained by the handler for a period of three years to begin at the end of the month to which such records pertain. If, within such a three year period, the compact commission notifies the handler in writing that the retention of such records, or of specified records, is necessary in connection with a proceeding or court action specified in such notice, the handler shall retain such records, or specified records, until further written notification from the compact commission. The compact commission shall give further written notification to the handler promptly upon the termination of the litigation or when the records are no longer necessary in connection therewith.