§ 1301.11 - Producer.  

Latest version.
  • Producer means:

    (a) A dairy farmer who produces milk in the regulated area that is moved to a pool plant or a partially regulated plant, having Class I distribution in the regulated area;

    (b) A dairy farmer who produces milk outside of the regulated area that is moved to a pool plant, provided that on more than half of the days on which the handler caused milk to be moved from the dairy farmer's farm in every December since 1996, all of that milk was physically moved to a pool plant in the regulated area. Or: to be considered a qualified producer, on more than half of the days on which the handler caused milk to be moved from the dairy farmer's farm during the current month and for five (5) months subsequent to July of the preceding calendar year, all of that milk must have moved to a pool plant, provided that the total amount of milk at a pool plant eligible to qualify producers who did not qualify in every December since 1996, shall not exceed the total bulk receipts of fluid milk products less:

    (1) Producers receipts as described in paragraph (a) of this section and producer receipts as described in paragraph (b) of this section who are qualified based on every December since 1996;

    (2) The volume of milk excluded from producer milk pursuant to §§ 1301.23 (d) and (e), and 1304.2 (c) and (d).

    (c) A dairy farmer who produces milk outside of the regulated area that is moved to a partially regulated plant and allocated to Class I pursuant to Section 1304.5. However, the term shall not include:

    (1) A producer handler;

    (2) A dairy farmer who is a local or state government that has non-producer status for the month under section § 1301.13(c);

    (3) A dairy farmer who is a governmental agency that is operating a plant from which there is route disposition in the regulated area;

    (4) Dairy farmer milk received at a pool plant or a partially regulated plant which is rejected and segregated in the handler's normal operations for receiving milk and which receipts are accepted and disposed of by the handler as salvaged product rather than milk.