§ 1410.13 - Grassland enrollments and permitted uses.  

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  • § 1410.13 Grassland enrollments and permitted uses.

    (a) Land may be enrolled in CRP under a grassland signup as specified in §§ 1410.6, 1410.30, 30(c) and 1410.31. Eligible grassland includes grassland that was previously enrolled in the Grassland Reserve Program, as specified in part 1415 of this chapter. (e) and (f).

    (b) Grassland enrollments will generally be administered under all the provisions of this part, except where specific provisions apply only to grassland enrollments.

    (c) Grassland Land enrolled in CRP is under a grassland signup may be eligible for the Transition Incentives Program as specified in § 1410.64.

    (d) Grassland previously enrolled in rental contracts under terms of the Grassland Reserve Program specified in part 1415 of this chapter will continue to be subject to the provisions of those contracts.

    [80 FR 42001, July 16, 2015]

    The following activities may be permitted on grassland enrolled in CRP according to an approved conservation plan:

    (1) Common grazing practices, including maintenance and necessary cultural practices, in a manner that is consistent with maintaining the viability of grassland, forb, and shrub species appropriate to the locality;

    (2) Haying, mowing, or harvesting for seed production, subject to appropriate restrictions during the primary nesting season;

    (3) Fire pre-suppression, fire-related rehabilitation, and construction of firebreaks;

    (4) Grazing related activities, such as fencing and livestock watering facilities; and

    (5) Other activities, when the manner, number, intensity, location, operation, and other features associated with such activity will not adversely affect the grassland resources or related conservation values protected under the CRP contract.