§ 1412.304 - Submitting production evidence.  

Latest version.
  • (a)(1) Reports of production evidence must be submitted by producers when the owner elects to:

    (i) Partially update the yield for all covered commodities on the farm in accordance with § 1412.303; or

    (ii) Establish a direct payment yield for soybeans or other oilseeds for the farm in accordance with § 1412.302.

    (2) Producer or third-party certification shall not be accepted as proof of production evidence.

    (3) Reports of production evidence for all covered commodities shall be provided to the county committee of the county where the farm is administratively located, by farm and crop in such manner as required by CCC on a CCC-approved standard, uniform form designated by CCC.

    (b)(1) When disposition of production has been through commercial channels, CCC may require the producer to furnish documentary evidence in order to verify the information provided on the report of production. Acceptable evidence may include, but is not limited to, such items as:

    (i) Production approved by the county committee for Loan Deficiency Payments;

    (ii) Commercial receipts;

    (iii) Gin records;

    (iv) Settlement sheets;

    (v) Warehouse ledger sheets;

    (vi) Elevator receipts or load summaries, supported by other evidence showing disposition, such as sales documents;

    (vii) Evidence from harvested or appraised acreage, approved for FCIC or multi-peril crop insurance loss adjustment settlement; or

    (viii) Other production evidence determined acceptable by the Deputy Administrator.

    (2) Such production evidence must show:

    (i) The producer's name,

    (ii) The commodity,

    (iii) The buyer or name of storage facility,

    (iv) The Date of transaction or delivery, and

    (v) The quantity.

    (c) When production of a covered commodity has been disposed of through non-commercial channels, such as used for feed, grazing, or silage, if Loan Deficiency Payments are not available, but crop insurance records or other FSA records indicate that the use of the crop was for silage, hay, or grazing, then county committee will assign production for that year based on the actual grain yield of three similar farms for the applicable year. If producers cannot meet any of these requirements or their crop suffered a low yield, then 75 percent of the county average yield as determined in accordance with § 1412.302(b)(4) will be used.

    (d) CCC may verify the production evidence submitted with records on file at the warehouse, gin, or other entity which received or may have received the reported production.