§ 1416.202 - Definitions.  

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  • § 1416.202 Definitions.

    The following definitions apply to this subpart and to the administration of LFP. The definitions in parts 718 of this title and 1400 of this chapter also apply, except where they conflict with the definitions in this section.

    Adult beef bull means a male beef breed bovine animal that was at least 2 years old and used for breeding purposes on or before the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire.

    Adult beef cow means a female beef breed bovine animal that had delivered one or more offspring. A first-time bred beef heifer is also considered an adult beef cow if it was pregnant on or before the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire.

    Adult beefalo bull means a male hybrid of beef and bison that was used for breeding purposes and was at least 2 years old before the beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire.

    Adult beefalo cow means a female hybrid of beef and bison that had delivered one or more offspring before the beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire. A first-time bred beefalo heifer is also considered an adult beefalo cow if it was pregnant by the beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire.

    Adult buffalo or bison bull means a male animal of those breeds that was used for breeding purposes and was at least 2 years old before the beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire.

    Adult buffalo or bison cow means a female animal of those breeds that had delivered one or more offspring before the beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire. A first-time bred buffalo or bison heifer is also considered an adult buffalo or bison cow if it was pregnant by the beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire.

    Adult dairy bull means a male dairy breed bovine animal at least 2 years old used primarily for breeding dairy cows on or before the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire.

    Adult dairy cow means a female dairy breed bovine animal used for the purpose of providing milk for human consumption that had delivered one or more offspring. A first-time bred dairy heifer is also considered an adult dairy cow if it was pregnant on or before the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire.

    Agricultural operation means a farming operation.

    Application means the “Livestock Forage Disaster Program” form.

    Commercial use means used in the operation of a business activity engaged in as a means of livelihood for profit by the eligible livestock producer.

    Contract means, with respect to contracts for the handling of livestock, a written agreement between a livestock owner and another individual or entity setting the specific terms, conditions, and obligations of the parties involved regarding the production of livestock or livestock products.

    Contract grower means a person or legal entity, other than a feedlot, that was engaged in a farming operation not as an owner of covered livestock but in a business whose income is dependent on either the actual weight gain of the livestock or number of offspring produced from the livestock.

    Covered livestock means livestock of an eligible livestock producer that, during the 60 days prior to the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire, the eligible livestock producer owned, leased, purchased, entered into a contract to purchase, was a contract grower of, or sold or otherwise disposed of due to a qualifying drought during the current production year. It includes livestock that the producer otherwise disposed of due to drought in one or both of the two production years immediately preceding the current production year as determined by the Secretary. Notwithstanding the foregoing portions of this definition, covered livestock will not include livestock in feedlots.

    Equine animal means a weaned domesticated horse, mule, or donkey.

    Farming operation means a business enterprise engaged in producing agricultural products.

    Federal Agency means, with respect to the control of grazing land, an agency of the federal government that manages rangeland on which livestock is generally permitted to graze. For the purposes of this section, it includes, but is not limited to, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and USDA Forest Service (FS).

    Goat means a weaned domesticated, ruminant mammal of the genus Capra, including Angora goats.

    Grazing animals mean those species of weaned livestock that, from a nutritional and physiological perspective, satisfy more than 50 percent of their net energy requirement through the consumption of growing forage grasses and legumes. Species of livestock for which more than 50 percent of their net energy requirements are not recommended to be met from consumption of forage grasses and legumes, such as poultry and swine, are excluded regardless of whether those species are present on grazing land or pastureland. Unweaned livestock are excluded as grazing animals regardless of whether those unweaned livestock are present on grazing land or pastureland.

    Non-adult beef cattle means a weaned beef breed bovine animal that on or before the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire does not meet the definition of adult beef cow or bull.

    Non-adult beefalo means a weaned hybrid of beef and bison that on or before the beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire does not meet the definition of adult beefalo cow or bull.

    Non-adult buffalo or bison means a weaned animal of those breeds that on or before the beginning date of beginning date of the qualifying drought or fire does not meet the definition of adult buffalo or bison cow or bull.

    Non-adult dairy cattle means a weaned bovine animal, of a breed used for the purpose of providing milk for human consumption, that on or before the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire does not meet the definition of adult dairy cow or bull.

    Normal carrying capacity means, with respect to each type of grazing land or pastureland in a county, the normal carrying capacity that would be expected from the grazing land or pastureland for livestock during the normal grazing period in the county, in the absence of a drought or fire that diminishes the production of the grazing land or pastureland.

    Normal grazing period means, as determined by FSA, with respect to a specific type of grazing land or pastureland in the county, the period during the calendar year when grazing animals receive daily nutrients and satisfy net energy requirements without supplemental feed.

    Owner means one who had legal ownership of the livestock for which benefits are being requested during the 60 days prior to the beginning of a qualifying drought or fire.

    Sheep means a weaned domesticated, ruminant mammal of the genus Ovis.

    U.S. Drought Monitor is a system for classifying drought severity according to a range of abnormally dry to exceptional drought. It is a collaborative effort between Federal and academic partners, produced on a weekly basis, to synthesize multiple indices, outlooks, and drought impacts on a map and in narrative form. This synthesis of indices is reported by the National Drought Mitigation Center at http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu.

    Unweaned livestock means an animal not weaned from mother's milk or milk replacement to other nourishment.

    [79 FR 21097, Apr. 14, 2014, as amended at 83 FR 49466, Oct. 2, 2018; 85 FR 10965, Feb. 26, 2020]