§ 1421.22 - Settlement.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The value of the settlement of loans shall be made by CCC on the following basis:

    (1) With respect to nonrecourse loans, the schedule of premiums and discounts for the commodity:

    (i) If the value of the collateral at settlement is less than the amount due, the producer shall pay to CCC the amount of such deficiency and charges, plus interest on such deficiency; or

    (ii) If the value of the collateral at settlement is greater than the amount due, such excess shall be retained by CCC and CCC shall have no obligation to pay such amount to any party.

    (2) With respect to recourse loans, the proceeds from the sale of the commodity:

    (i) If the value of the collateral at settlement is less than the amount due, the producer shall pay to CCC the amount of such deficiency and charges, plus interest on such deficiency; or

    (ii) If the proceeds received from the sale of the commodity are greater than the sum of the amount due plus any cost incurred by CCC in conducting the sale of the commodity, the amount of such excess shall be paid to the producer or, if applicable, to any secured creditor of the producer.

    (3) If CCC sells the commodity described in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) in settlement of the loan, the sales proceeds shall be applied to the amount owed CCC by the producer. The producer shall be responsible for any costs incurred by CCC in completing the sale. CCC may deduct such amount from the sales proceeds.

    (b) Settlements made by CCC with respect to eligible commodities that are acquired by CCC and that are stored in an approved warehouse shall be made on the basis of the entries set forth in the applicable warehouse receipt, supplemental certificate, and other accompanying documents.

    (c)(1) All eligible commodities that are stored in other than approved warehouses shall be delivered to CCC in accordance with instructions issued by CCC. Settlement for such commodities shall be made on the basis of entries set forth in the applicable warehouse receipt, supplemental certificate, and other accompanying documents.

    (2) With respect to all commodities, except peanuts, that are delivered from other than an approved warehouse, settlement shall be made by CCC on the basis of the basic loan rate that is in effect for the commodity at the producer's customary delivery point, as determined by CCC.

    (3)(i) With respect to peanuts, settlement values for quota and additional peanuts shall be determined and announced annually by CCC. Settlement shall be made by CCC on the amount computed on the basis of net weight and quality of such peanuts with an allowance of 4 percent for Virginia type peanuts and an allowance of 3.5 percent for other types of peanuts in order to compensate producers for shrinkage during storage on peanuts delivered on or after January 31 of the year following the year in which the crop was produced less discounts of:

    (A) $2 per ton, net weight, for each full 1 percent of foreign material in excess of 15 percent; and

    (B) $10 per ton, net weight, for peanuts containing more than 10 percent moisture.

    (ii) No allowance for shrinkage shall be made for storage with respect to peanuts delivered before February 1 of the year following the year in which the crop was produced.

    (iii) If a producer delivers peanuts from a farm to CCC in a quantity that would exceed the farm poundage quota when added to the peanuts marketed, and considered marketed from the farm as quota peanuts, the additional peanut loan rate shall be used with respect to such peanuts if CCC determines that the producer made an inadvertent error in determining the quantity of peanuts pledged as collateral as quota peanuts. If CCC determines that such error was not inadvertent, a loan shall not be made available with respect to such quantity and marketing quota penalties shall be assessed in accordance with part 729 of this title.

    (iv) The loan rate for additional peanuts shall be used for all peanuts that do not grade Segregation 1 at the time of delivery to CCC if the producer does not elect to settle such additional peanuts as quota peanuts. If the producer elects to settle such peanuts as quota peanuts, the quantity shall not exceed the lesser of:

    (A) The difference between the production of Segregation 1 peanuts on the farm and the farm poundage quota; or

    (B) The amount of the under-marketings of quota peanuts as shown on the farm marketing card.

    (4) With respect to rice acquired by CCC at a location other than an approved warehouse, settlement shall be made on the basis of the class, grade, and quality entries set forth in the Federal-State inspection certificate and on the basis of the quantity set forth in the weight certificates.

    (d) A producer may be required to retain and store the commodity that is pledged as collateral for a loan for a period of 60 days after the maturity date of a loan without any cost to CCC if CCC is unable to take delivery of the commodity. If CCC is unable to take delivery of the commodity within the 60-day period after the loan maturity date, the producer shall be paid a storage payment upon delivery of the commodity to CCC. The storage payment shall be computed at the storage rate stated in the applicable CCC storage agreement for the commodity in effect at the delivery point where the producer delivers the commodity. The period for earning such storage payment shall begin the day following the expiration of the 60-day period after such maturity date and extend through the earlier of:

    (1) The final date of actual delivery; or

    (2) The final date for delivery as specified in the delivery instructions issued to the producer by the county office.

    (e) When a producer is directed by the county office to haul the commodity for delivery, except aromatic rice, a greater distance than would have been necessary to make delivery to the producer's customary delivery point, as determined by CCC, the producer will be allowed compensation, as determined by the State committee at a rate not to exceed the common carrier truck rate or the rate available from local truckers, for hauling the eligible commodity the additional distance. In determining the rate of payment for excess hauling, the State committee may establish reasonable mileage minimums below which producers will not receive compensation for hauling.

    (f)(1) Producers may request trackloading for loan collateral where approved warehouse space is not available locally or where KCCO determines that it would be to the benefit of CCC. Where local weighing facilities are not available or when requested by producers, destination weights may be used for settlement purposes. All producers loading in the same car must sign an agreement stating the percentage share of the total quantity to be credited to each. When requested by producers before delivery of the commodity, settlement may be made on the basis of destination grades. Such destination grade determination for a car shall be applied to the entire quantity of a commodity loaded into the same car, regardless of the grade or quality of a commodity loaded into the car by any producer.

    (2) A trackloading payment of 19 cents per bushel (or 31.66 cents per hundredweight in the case of sorghum, oilseeds, and rice, excluding aromatic rice) shall be made to the producer on an eligible commodity delivered to CCC under this subsection.

    (g) If a farm-stored commodity is delivered in advance of the applicable loan maturity date as provided in § 1421.19, a deduction for storage charges shall be made. The deduction shall be made for the period from the date of delivery to the applicable maturity date for the commodity. Such deduction shall be at the rate charged by the warehouse to which the commodity was delivered. No deduction for storage charges shall be made for early delivery of a farm-stored commodity if the loan maturity date is accelerated by CCC under a general acceleration of the maturity date in a particular area.

    (h) A refund of warehouse storage charges will be made by CCC to the producer if the maturity date of a warehouse storage loan is accelerated by CCC for reasons other than any wrongful act or omission on the part of the producer, and the commodity is not redeemed. The amount of the storage charges to be refunded shall be computed at the lesser of the UGRSA rate or the rate prepaid by the producer for the period of unearned storage.

    (i) If a warehouse charges the producer for either the receiving charges or the receiving and loading out charges on an eligible commodity in an approved warehouse, the producer shall, upon delivery to CCC of warehouse receipts representing the commodity stored in such warehouse, be reimbursed or given credit by the county office for such prepaid charges at the lesser of the UGRSA rate or the rate prepaid by the producer. The producer must furnish to the county office, written evidence signed by the warehouse operator that such charges have been paid.