Subpart D - Pasture Recovery Program  

§ 1439.301 - Administration.
§ 1439.302 - Definitions.
§ 1439.303 - General description.
§ 1439.304 - Eligible persons.
§ 1439.305 - Eligible land.
§ 1439.306 - Duration of contracts.
§ 1439.307 - Gross revenue limitation.
§ 1439.320 - Obligations of participant.
§ 1439.321 - Obligations of the Commodity Credit Corporation.
§ 1439.322 - Eligible practices.
§ 1439.330 - Enrollment.
§ 1439.331 - Termination of PRP contracts.
§ 1439.332 - Contract modifications.
§ 1439.333 - Contract modifications.
§ 1439.340 - Payments.
§ 1439.341 - Levels and rates for payments.
§ 1439.342 - Method of payment.
§ 1439.350 - Payments to participants.
§ 1439.351 - Violations.
§ 1439.352 - Executed PRP contract not in conformity with regulations.
§ 1439.353 - Performance based upon advice or action of representative of the Secretary of Agriculture.
§ 1439.354 - Access to land under contract.
§ 1439.355 - Appeals.
§ 1439.356 - Refunds to CCC; joint and several liability.
§ 1439.357 - Miscellaneous.
§§ 1439.342--1439.349 - [Reserved]
§§ 1439.323--1439.329 - [Reserved]
§§ 1439.333--1439.339 - [Reserved]
§§ 1439.343--1439.349 - [Reserved]
§§ 1439.334--1439.339 - [Reserved]
§§ 1439.307--1439.319 - [Reserved]
§§ 1439.308--1439.319 - [Reserved]