§ 1446.308 - Loan pools.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Establishment of pools.—(1) Each marketing association shall establish six separate loan pools; one for each of the three segregations of additional peanuts and one for each of the three segregations for quota peanuts. These pools shall be formed without regard to the type of peanuts (Runner, Virginia, Spanish, or Valencia) involved. However, the SWPGA shall also establish 12 separate loan pools for Valencia peanuts produced in New Mexico, namely, for bright hull peanuts and for dark hull peanuts separately, to include for each of them separate, by segregation, additional peanuts and quota peanuts pools. Each marketing association shall maintain separate, complete and accurate records for each loan pool that is established by the marketing association.

    (2) Eligibility to participate in New Mexico Pools.

    (i) In general. Except as provided in clause (a)(2)(ii) of this section, in the case of the 1996 and subsequent crops, Valencia peanuts not physically produced in the State of New Mexico shall not be eligible to participate in the pools of the State even if the farm on which the peanuts are produced is constituted for administrative purposes within the State of New Mexico.

    (ii) Exception. A producer of Valencia peanuts may enter Valencia peanuts that are physically produced in Texas into the pools for New Mexico in a quantity not greater than the average annual quantity of the peanuts that the producer entered into the New Mexico pools for the 1990 through 1995 crops; however, to qualify, the peanuts must be produced on the same farm on which the peanuts were produced during the base years of 1990 through 1995.

    (b) Net gains for quota pools. Net gains from peanuts in each quota pool shall consist of the amount by which the proceeds from the sale of the peanuts in such pool are in excess of the indebtedness on the peanuts in such pool.

    (c) Net gains for additional pool. Net gains for peanuts in each additional pool shall consist of:

    (1) The net gains which are in excess of the indebtedness on the peanuts placed in such pool; less

    (2) Any amount as provided in paragraph (d) of this section that is allocated to offset any loss on the pools for Segregation 1 quota peanuts, and any other amount properly offset.

    (d) Recovery of losses in quota area loan pools.—(1) If the loan indebtedness on the peanuts in a quota area pool exceeds the proceeds from the sale of the peanuts in such pool, such excess shall be recovered using the following sources in the following order of priority:

    (i) Proceeds due any individual producer from any pool, as a result of the transfer of peanuts for pricing purposes from an additional loan pool to a quota loan pool, pursuant to the provisions in § 1446.307.

    (ii) Gains of any producer in the same pool, by the amount of pool gains attributed to the same producer from the sale of additional peanuts for domestic and export edible use.

    (iii) Gains or profits resulting from the sale of additional peanuts, other than Valencia peanuts produced in New Mexico in separate type pools established under paragraph (a) of this section, in the same marketing area for domestic edible use, that are owned or controlled by CCC. This paragraph shall not apply to gains or profits from the sale of peanuts that were produced on farms with 1 acre or less of peanut production.

    (iv) Marketing assessments, collected from producers under § 729.316 of this title, that the Secretary determines are necessary to cover losses in area quota pools.

    (v) Gains or profits from quota pools in other marketing areas, other than separate type pools established under paragraph (a) of this section for Valencia peanuts produced in New Mexico.

    (vi) Gains or profits resulting from the sale of additional peanuts in other marketing areas, other than Valencia peanuts produced in New Mexico in separate type pools established under paragraph (a) of this section, for domestic edible use, that are owned or controlled by CCC. This paragraph shall not apply to gains or profits from the sale of peanuts that were produced on farms with 1 acre or less of peanut production.

    (vii) Marketing assessments, collected from handlers under § 729.316 of this title, that the Secretary determines are necessary to cover losses in area quota pools.

    (viii) Increased marketing assessments on quota peanuts in the production area covered by the pool, which shall be assessed as needed and collected from producers under § 729.317 of this title.

    (2) The exceptions provided for Valencia peanuts in paragraph (d)(1) of this section shall only apply as to prevent offsets between pools for each of the Valencia types (bright-hull and dark-hull) for New Mexico and other peanuts.

    (e) Pool distribution.—(1) Net gains as determined in accordance with this section on peanuts in each area pool shall be distributed to each producer who placed peanuts in that pool in proportion to the dollar value of peanuts placed in such pool by that producer, except that the proceeds available for the amount of distribution shall be subject to any other conditions and offsets set forth in this section; and

    (2) Distributions shall not be assigned to any other party.

    (f) Loan indebtedness. With respect to determining the gains and losses in accordance with this section for loan pools for quota and additional peanuts, the term “indebtedness” with respect to a pool shall include, but is not limited to, the following expenses associated with such peanuts:

    (1) Loan advance to producers.

    (2) Inspection fees.

    (3) Storage and handling charges.

    (4) Shelling costs.

    (5) Transportation and related charges.

    (6) Administrative and supervision expenses.

    (7) Interest applicable to any repayable amount.