§ 1464.106 - Marketing penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Failure to remit assessments. An importer who fails to timely remit an assessment in accordance with this subpart shall be subject to a marketing penalty.

    (1) Budget deficit marketing assessment. With respect to the assessment referred to in § 1464.102, if an importer fails to pay or to timely remit the BDMA, such importer shall be subject to a marketing penalty at a per kilogram rate equal to 75 percent of the average market price (calculated to the nearest whole cent) for the respective like kind domestic tobacco being imported for the domestic marketing year which immediately preceded the domestic marketing year in which the imported tobacco became subject to the BDMA. Such marketing penalty rate shall apply to the quantity of tobacco on which the failure occurred. Amounts due for the penalty shall be in addition to any other amount as may be due, including, but not limited to, the amount due for the BDMA itself, or any applicable late fees, charges, or interest.

    (2) Importer no-net-cost assessment. With respect to assessments referred to in § 1464.103, if an importer of burley or flue-cured tobacco fails to timely remit a no-net-cost assessment in accordance with the provisions in this subpart, such importer shall be liable, in addition to any no-net-cost assessment or other sum due and any late payment charges, to a marketing penalty at a per kilogram rate equal to 75 percent of the average market price (calculated to the nearest whole cent) for the respective kind of domestic tobacco (burley or flue-cured) for the respective domestic tobacco marketing year in which such imported tobacco was imported, on the quantity of tobacco as to which the failure occurs.

    (b) Exception to marketing penalty. A marketing penalty otherwise required by this paragraph may be forgiven if the assessment for which nonpayment of the penalty could be assessed is remitted not later than 15 calendar days after the date otherwise required for the remittance by this subpart.

    (c) Notification of marketing penalty. Before a marketing penalty is assessed, the importer shall be notified of the pending assessment and shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing with respect to the assessment of the penalty. Such notification will be by, and such hearing will be before, the Director or designee.

    (d) Marketing penalty reduction. The Executive Vice President, CCC, or designee, may reduce the amount of any marketing penalty for which a person otherwise would be liable under the provisions of this section upon finding that failure to comply was unintentional or without knowledge on the part of such person and that such reduction would not damage the tobacco program or the administration of this part.

    (e) Prohibition of use, processing or marketing of tobacco for which the assessments have not been paid; other remedies. The knowing use, processing, or marketing of tobacco in the commerce of the United States of any tobacco for which an assessment or related charge required or provided for by this subpart is past due, is prohibited. The penalties and other remedies provided in this section shall be in addition to, and not exclusive of, other remedies that may be available.