§ 1464.8 - Eligible tobacco.  

Latest version.
  • Eligible tobacco for the purpose of pledging such tobacco as collateral for a price support loan is any tobacco of a kind for which price support is available, as provided in § 1464.2, that is in sound and merchantable condition, is not nested as defined in 7 CFR part 29, and:

    (a) Is not a kind of tobacco for which marketing quotas are not in effect for the marketing year because marketing quotas have been disapproved in a referendum of producers;

    (b) Is offered for marketing by the person who was the producer of the tobacco, or in the case of a deceased producer, by the duly authorized successor(s) in interest;

    (c) Is offered for marketing in accordance with § 1464.2(b);

    (d) If marketing quotas are in effect for the kind of tobacco:

    (1) The farm operator has filed a report of the acreage planted to tobacco on the farm in the applicable year in accordance with part 718 of this title.

    (2) The tobacco was produced on a farm on which neither the reported nor determined acreage of the kind of tobacco exceeds any acreage allotment established for the farm in accordance with the applicable part 723 of this title for the kind of tobacco for the applicable year.

    (3) Is identified when delivered to the association either directly or through an auction warehouse with a single marketing card for each lot of tobacco.

    (e) If marketing quotas are in effect for the kind of tobacco or if marketing quotas are not in effect but would have been in effect for the kind of tobacco had such marketing quotas not been terminated by the Secretary, the operator of the farm on which the tobacco was produced:

    (1) Has certified that all tobacco delivered from such farm for price support will not have not been nested as defined in part 29 of this title.

    (2) Has certified to the FSA county committee on a form approved by the Deputy Administrator that all pesticides (including plant regulators, defoliants, and desiccants), as defined in 40 CFR 162.3, which were used in connection with the production of the tobacco have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use on tobacco and any such pesticides that were used were applied in accordance with label directions.

    (3) Has not refused to permit the sampling of such tobacco, either on the farm or where stored, for chemical analysis for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of any pesticide certification.

    (f) With respect to burley and flue-cured tobacco only, is a quantity of tobacco which when added to the pounds of the respective kind of tobacco previously marketed from the farm during the marketing year does not exceed 103 percent of the effective farm marketing quota established for the respective kind of tobacco for that year.

    (g) With respect to flue-cured tobacco only, is a quantity of tobacco which was delivered to the association through an auction warehouse and is a quantity which when added to the pounds of flue-cured tobacco previously marketed from the farm at that warehouse does not exceed the quantity of flue-cured tobacco designated by the farm operator for marketing at that warehouse.

    (h) Any tobacco with respect to which the producer is not an eligible producer under the provisions of § 1464.7 shall not be eligible for a price support loan and in any case in which the producer is deemed to have ceased to have retained the status of an eligible producer due to an advance or other preauction arrangement, the producer's marketing card shall not be used to market such tobacco except to reflect a nonauction marketing to the person who paid an advance to the producer or took possession of the tobacco from the producer.