§ 1464.9 - Refund of price support advance.  

Latest version.
  • In any case in which a producer has received price support on a lot of tobacco such producer shall refund to CCC any price support advance received with respect to such lot of tobacco if it is determined, after notice and opportunity for an administrative hearing in accordance with part 780 of this title, that such producer:

    (a) Received a price support advance on tobacco that was nested, as defined in part 29 of this title or otherwise not eligible for price support. The county committee, with concurrence of a State Committee Representative, may reduce the refund with respect to tobacco otherwise required in this part, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Deputy Administrator.

    (b) Filed a false report with respect to the use of pesticides on tobacco produced on the farm from which such lot of tobacco was identified, at the time of marketing, as having been produced.

    (c) Misrepresented any fact affecting a tobacco program determination, adopted any scheme or device which tends to defeat the purpose of the tobacco program, or made any fraudulent representation which tends to defeat the purpose of the tobacco program. The refund of CCC price support advance shall apply to all payments on all farms received by such producer.