§ 1479.111 - Rates and yields; calculating payments.  

Latest version.
  • (a)(1) Payments made under this part to a producer for a loss on a unit with respect to yield based crops are determined by multiplying the payment rate established for the crop by CCC, times the loss of production which exceeds 35 percent of the expected production, as determined by CCC, of the unit.

    (2) Payments made under this part to a producer for a loss on a unit with respect to value-based crops are determined by multiplying the payment rate established for the crop by CCC times the loss of value that exceeds 35 percent of the expected production value, as determined by CCC, of the unit.

    (3) Payments made under this part may be adjusted by CCC to reflect losses due to quality factors adversely affected by a disaster. For FSA price support loan commodities, production to count may be reduced using the schedule of premiums and discounts for FSA commodity loans. Additional quality loss adjustments may be made for single market crops, using a 20 percent quality loss threshold. The quality loss threshold may be determined by multiplying: 65 percent of the affected quantity, times 65 percent of the result of subtracting: the value of the crop due to the effects of the disaster, as determined by CCC, from the value of the crop if it had not been affected by the disaster, as determined by CCC. Quality adjustments for multiple market crops sold to a lower priced market as a result of poor quality will be determined by using the difference between the average market price for the intended use and the average market price for the actual use, as determined by CCC.

    (b) Payment rates for 2003, 2004, or 2005 year crop losses shall be:

    (1) 65 percent of the maximum established RMA price for insured crops;

    (2) 65 percent of the State average price for non-insurable crops; and

    (3) 60 percent of the maximum established RMA price for uninsured crops.

    (c) Except as provided elsewhere in this part, disaster benefits under this part for losses to crops shall be paid in an amount determined by multiplying the loss of production in excess of 35 percent of the expected production by the applicable payment rate established according to paragraph (a) of this section.

    (d) Separate payment rates and yields for the same crop may be established by the county committee as authorized by the Deputy Administrator, when there is supporting data from NASS or other sources approved by CCC that show there is a significant difference in yield or value based on a distinct and separate end use of the crop. In spite of differences in yield or values, separate rates or yields shall not be established for crops with different cultural practices, such as organically or hydroponically grown.

    (e) Production from all end uses of a multi-use crop or all secondary uses for multiple market crops will be calculated separately and summarized together.

    (f) Each eligible producer's share of a disaster payment shall be based on the producer's share of the crop or crop proceeds, or, if no crop was produced, the share the producer would have received if the crop had been produced.

    (g) When calculating a payment for a unit loss:

    (1) An unharvested payment factor shall be applied to crop acreage planted but not harvested;

    (2) A prevented planting factor shall be applied to any prevented planted acreage eligible for payment; and

    (3) Unharvested payment factors may be adjusted if costs normally associated with growing the crop are not incurred.