§ 1484.21 - Application review and formation of agreements.  

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  • § 1484.21 How does FAS determine which Cooperator program applications are approved?Application review and formation of agreements.

    (a) General. FAS allocates funds in a manner that effectively supports the strategic decision-making initiatives of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993. In deciding whether a proposed project will contribute to the effective creation, expansion, or maintenance of foreign markets, FAS seeks to identify those projects that would demonstrate a clear, long-term agricultural trade strategy by market or product and a program effectiveness time line against which results can be measured at specific intervals using quantifiable product or country or region goals. These performance indicators are part of FAS' resource allocation strategy to fund applicants which can demonstrate performance based on a long-term strategic plan and address the performance measurement objectives of the GPRA.

    (b) Approval criteria. FAS will consider a number of factors when reviewing proposed projects, including:

    (1) The ability of the organization to provide an experienced U.S.-based staff with technical and international trade expertise to ensure adequate development, supervision, and execution of the proposed project;

    (2) The organization's willingness to contribute resources, including cash and goods and services of the U.S. industry and foreign third parties;

    (3) The conditions or constraints affecting the level of U.S. exports and market share for the agricultural commodities and products;

    (4) The degree to which the proposed project is likely to contribute to the creation, expansion, or maintenance of foreign markets;

    (5) The degree to which the strategic plan is coordinated with other private or U.S. government-funded market development projects;

    (6) Past program results and evaluations, if applicable; and

    (7) Previous Cooperator program funding

    CCC will, subject to the availability of funds, approve those applications that it considers to present the best opportunity for creating, maintaining, or expanding export markets for U.S. agricultural commodities. CCC will review all proposals for eligibility and completeness. CCC will evaluate and score each proposal against the factors described in the NOFO. The purpose of this review is to identify meritorious proposals, recommend an appropriate funding level for each proposal, and submit the proposals and funding recommendations to appropriate officials for decision. CCC may, when appropriate to the subject matter of the proposal, request the assistance of other U.S. Government experts in evaluating the merits of a proposal. When considering eligible nonprofit U.S. trade organizations, CCC may weigh which organizations have the broadest producer representation and affiliated industry participation of the commodity being promoted. All reviewers will be required to sign a conflict of interest form, and when conflicts of interests are identified the reviewer will be recused from the objective review process.

    (b) Approval review criteria. CCC follows results-oriented management principles and considers the following criteria when assessing the likelihood of success of the applications it receives, determining which applications to recommend for approval, and developing preliminary recommended funding levels:

    (1) Strategic planning (25%);

    (2) Program implementation (25%); and

    (3) Program results and evaluation (50%).