§ 1489.21 - Reports.  

Latest version.
  • § 1489.21 Reports.

    (a) End-of-Year Contribution Reportreport. Not later than 6 months after the end of its program period, an ATP expiration date shown in the RAPP Participant's program agreement, a RAPP Participant shall submit two copies of a report that identifies, by cost category and in U.S. dollar equivalent, contributions made by the Participant, the applicable U.S. industry, and the States during that program period. A suggested format of a contribution report is available from FASthe Participant's RAPP period of performance. Foreign third-party contributions are not to be included in the end-of-year contribution report.

    (b) Trip reports. Not later than 45 days after completion of travel (other than local travel), an ATP a RAPP Participant shall electronically submit a trip report. The report must include the name(s) of the traveler(s), purpose of travel, itinerary, names and affiliations of contacts, and a brief summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, and specific accomplishments.

    (c) Research reports. Not later than 6 months after the end of its program period, an ATP expiration date shown in the RAPP Participant's program agreement, a RAPP Participant shall submit a report on any research conducted pursuant to the approved ATP RAPP program.

    (d) Evaluation reports. Not later than 6 months after the end of its program period, an ATP expiration date shown in the RAPP Participant's program agreement, a RAPP Participant shall submit a report on any evaluations conducted in accordance with the approved ATP RAPP program, including the outcome of action taken with ATP RAPP funding and the increased market access or exports that can be directly attributed to the ATP RAPP program.

    (e) Annual audits. Where the CCC is designated the cognizant agency for audit, the CCC may require the ATP RAPP Participant to submit to the CCC an annual audit in accordance with 2 CFR part 200. If the CCC requires an additional audit with respect to a particular agreement, then the ATP RAPP Participant shall arrange for such audit and shall submit to the CCC, in the manner to be specified by the CCC, such audit of the agreement.

    (f) Additional reports. The CCC may require the submission of additional reports.

    (g) Approved Approval letters. An ATP A RAPP Participant's program agreement and/or approval letter shall specify to whom the Participant shall submit the reports required in this section.

    (h) Program reviews. FAS, through its authorized representatives, may review project accomplishments, management control systems, and administration of funding provided through the program to ensure adherence to the requirements in this part. During such reviews, FAS will review recipients' files related to the grant-funded program, and technical assistance may be required.