§ 1494.1001 - Miscellaneous provisions.

Latest version.
  • (a) Assignments. The exporter may not assign the Agreement or any rights thereunder, including the right to receive a bonus under the Agreement.

    (b) Maintenance of records and access to premises. (1) For a period of five years after CCC agrees to the cancellation of an exporter's performance security for an Agreement, the exporter must maintain accurate records showing sales and deliveries of the eligible commodity exported in connection with the Agreement. The Secretary of Agriculture and the Comptroller General of the United States, through their authorized representatives, will have full and complete access to the premises of the exporter during regular business hours from the effective date of the Agreement until the expiration of such five-year period to inspect, examine, audit and make copies of the exporter's books, records and accounts concerning transactions relating to the Agreement, including, but not limited to, financial records and accounts pertaining to sales, inventory, processing, and administrative and incidental costs, both normal and unforeseen. From the effective date of the Agreement and until the expiration of such five-year period, the exporter may be required to make available to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Comptroller General of the United States, through their authorized representatives, records that pertain to transactions conducted outside the program, if, in the opinion of the GSM, such records would pertain directly to the review of transactions undertaken by the exporter in connection with the performance of an EEP Agreement.

    (2) The exporter must maintain the certification of entry specified in §1494.401(f)(2), and must provide access to such document if requested by the Secretary of Agriculture or an authorized representative, for the five-year period specified in subparagraph (b)(1) of this section.

    (c) Arrival verification reviews. CCC will review, on an annual basis, a sufficient number of exports made in connection with EEP Agreements to ensure that the eligible commodity which was exported pursuant to each such Agreement arrived in the eligible country specified in the Agreement.

    (d) Signatory on certifications. Any certification required from a person pursuant to this subpart or an Invitation must be signed by the person, if an individual, or by a partner or officer of the person, if the person is a partnership or a corporation, respectively.

    (e) Officials not to benefit. No member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commissioner, will participate or share in any of the benefits of any Agreement entered into pursuant to the EEP, but this provision may not be construed to extend to an Agreement made by CCC with a corporation for its general benefit.

    (f) Paperwork Reduction Act. The information collection requirements contained in this subpart have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in accordance with the provisions of 44 U.S.C. chapter 35 and have been assigned OMB control number 0551-0028.

    (g) Waiver of irregularities. CCC reserves the right to waive any informality or minor irregularity with respect to any aspect of the operation of the EEP or any Agreement executed thereunder in order to best accomplish the purposes of the program.