§ 1494.501 - Submission of offers to CCC.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Consideration of offers. Unless otherwise specified in the Invitation, CCC will consider offers on a daily basis from the date of issuance of the Invitation until such time that CCC announces that offers will no longer be accepted under the Invitation, the total quantity of the eligible commodity announced in the Invitation has been awarded, or the Invitation has expired as indicated by the expiration date shown in the Invitation.

    (1) Prior to the submission of an offer to CCC, the eligible exporter must have entered into a sales contract, as defined in §1494.201(bb), with an eligible buyer for the export sale and the delivery of the eligible commodity to the eligible country.

    (2) The date of sale of the eligible exporter's sales contract with an eligible buyer must be after the issuance date of the applicable Invitation.

    (3) The sales contract between the eligible exporter and an eligible buyer may be conditioned upon the eligible exporter's entering into an Agreement with CCC under the EEP for the payment of a bonus.

    (4) CCC will not be responsible to any person for any loss caused by the failure of the eligible exporter to obtain a CCC bonus.

    (5) The eligible exporter must promptly notify CCC in writing of any amendment to the sales contract with an eligible buyer.

    (b) Submission of offers. Eligible exporters must submit offers, or modifications or withdrawals thereof, to the address, telephone, telex or facsimile numbers specified in the Notice to Exporters—Contacts for EEP. Telephonic offers must be confirmed in writing immediately thereafter by telex or facsimile. If a telephonic offer is not confirmed in writing by 9 a.m. on the next business day, the offer will not be considered. The date and time affixed to submissions will be as determined by CCC.

    (c) Content of offers. Offers to CCC for a CCC bonus under the EEP must contain the information shown below in the same numerical order as shown below. CCC reserves the right to reject any offer that so materially departs from this prescribed format that its consideration would hinder the offer review process. The applicable Invitation may require the submission of further information necessary for the consideration of an offer.

    (1) The use of the numerical designation assigned to the applicable Invitation, which shall signify that the offer is submitted subject to all the terms and conditions of this subpart and the Invitation in response to which the offer is being submitted for consideration by CCC.

    (2) The date and time for which the offer is submitted for consideration. The time shall be stated as “after 3 p.m.” For example, the information required by paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section could be stated as follows: “Invitation No. GSM-500-1, Revision No. X, For Consideration After 3 p.m. on August 1, 1991.”

    (3) The full business name and address of the eligible exporter making the offer.

    (4) The name and title of the individual signing the offer.

    (5) The telephone number and telex or facsimile number of the eligible exporter submitting the offer.

    (6) The CCC bonus in dollar and cents requested by the eligible exporter for each unit of measure of the eligible commodity to be exported to the eligible country. The offer shall contain only one CCC bonus. In offers submitted in response to an Invitation in which CCC has announced the bonus amount, the eligible exporter shall state the dollar and cents amount of the Announced CCC Bonus.

    (7) The quantity, on a net weight basis, (less any dockage, if applicable) of the eligible commodity for which the eligible exporter wishes to receive a CCC bonus pursuant to an EEP Agreement. This quantity shall be exclusive of tolerances and expressed in the unit of measure specified in the applicable Invitation. This quantity may be less than the sales contract quantity.

    (8) The U.S. coast of export. The Invitation may require the eligible exporter to indicate: The coasts of export if more than one coast of export is allowed for an offer; the Canadian port if the eligible commodity is to be transshipped through a Canadian port on the St. Lawrence River; or the U.S. city and state from which the shipments will cross the border into the eligible country if the eligible commodity is to be shipped by rail or truck.

    (9) The quality of the eligible commodity to be exported to the eligible buyer, if required by the applicable Invitation, including any additional quality specifications not found in the Invitation but included in the tender specifications by the eligible buyer or the sales contract with the eligible buyer. The Invitation may limit an offer to one or more quality designations for the eligible commodity.

    (10) The names of the eligible buyer and the eligible country. Unless otherwise provided for in the applicable Invitation, an offer shall contain only one eligible buyer and one eligible country. The Invitation may also provide that the eligible buyer need not necessarily be located in the eligible country.

    (11) The date of sale of the sales contract with the eligible buyer.

    (12) The number assigned by the eligible exporter to the sales contract.

    (13) The quantity of the eligible commodity specified in the sales contract, expressed in the unit of measure specified in the applicable Invitation.

    (14) The sales contract loading tolerance, if any, expressed in a percentage.

    (15) The sales contract unit price, delivery terms (e.g., FOB, C&F, etc.); the nature of any arrangements or understandings of the eligible exporter and any other person that would affect the sales contract, including but not limited to arrangements or understandings concerning commissions, rebates, and other payments if applicable; credit payment terms (e.g., GSM-102, GSM-103, or other credit arrangements); and, if required by the applicable Invitation, the discharge port. The possible credit payment terms referenced in an offer are for CCC's information only and are not to be construed as a contingency for consideration or acceptance. The eligible exporter is fully responsible for the arrangement of such payment terms independently from the EEP offer and CCC bears no responsibility if such credit payment terms cannot be secured.

    (16) The delivery period specified in the sales contract expressed on the basis of either shipment from the United States or the Canadian transshipment port or arrival in the eligible country. If an arrival period is shown, the offer must also indicate an anticipated shipment period. If a multiple month delivery schedule is agreed upon in the sales contract the offer must specify the quantity of the eligible commodity to be delivered each month or at other specified intervals.

    (17) Any options which may be exercised by the eligible buyer under the sales contract. If the offer is accepted by CCC, the exporter must immediately inform CCC if any such options are exercised by the buyer.

    (18) The name and address of the sales agent, if any, for the sales contract.

    (19) The designation of bonus payment under “Option A” or “Option B,” as described in §1494.401(c).

    (20) The words “ALL ITEM 20 CERTIFICATIONS ARE BEING MADE IN THIS OFFER” which, when included in the offer by the eligible exporter, will indicate that the eligible exporter is certifying that:

    (i) The information furnished to CCC with respect to the sales contract is correct;

    (ii) The date of sale with an eligible buyer was after the issuance date of the applicable Invitation;

    (iii) The sale does not replace any sale made to the eligible buyer by the eligible exporter, or any affiliate or subsidiary of the eligible exporter, prior to the issuance date of the applicable Invitation;

    (iv) There are no other arrangements or understandings between the eligible exporter and any other person that would alter the information provided under paragraph (c) of this section;

    (v) There were and will be no corrupt payments or extra sales services, or other items extraneous to the export sale provided in connection with the export sale, and the transaction complied with applicable U.S. law;

    (vi) The CCC bonus requested in the offer has been arrived at independently, without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other eligible exporter or competitor relating to:

    (A) The amount of the CCC bonus;

    (B) The intention to submit an offer; or

    (C) The methods or factors used to calculate the CCC bonus requested;

    (vii) The CCC bonus requested in the offer has not been and will not knowingly be disclosed by the eligible exporter, directly or indirectly, to any other eligible exporter or competitor before the time the offer is to be considered by CCC, unless otherwise required by law;

    (viii) No attempt has been made, or will be made, by the eligible exporter to induce any other concern to submit, or not to submit, an offer for the purpose of restricting competition;

    (ix) The signatory of the offer:

    (A) Is the person in the eligible exporter's organization responsible for determining the CCC bonus being requested and has not participated and will not participate in any action contrary to subparagraphs (c)(20) (vi), (vii), and (viii) of this section; or

    (B) Has been authorized in writing to act as agent for the eligible exporter for the purposes of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and certifies that the eligible exporter named in the offer and the signatory have not participated and will not participate in any action contrary to subparagraphs (c)(20) (vi), (vii), and (viii) of this section;

    (x) If the eligible commodity is vegetable oil or a vegetable oil product, that none of the eligible commodity has been or will be used as the basis of a claim of a refund, as drawback, pursuant to Section 313 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1313) of any duty, tax or fee imposed under Federal law on an imported commodity or product;

    (xi) The agricultural commodity or product to be exported under an EEP Agreement is a U.S. agricultural commodity as defined by §1494.201(gg).

    (xii) The eligible exporter is providing the assurances required by §§15.4 and 15b.5 of this title (7 CFR part 15 relates to various non-discrimination provisions);

    (xiii) The eligible exporter still meets all of the qualification and program eligibility requirements of §1494.301 and will immediately notify CCC if there is a change of circumstances which should cause it to fail to meet such requirements; and

    (xiv) The eligible exporter is providing any other certification required by the applicable Invitation.

    (d) Conditional offers. Any qualification or condition in, or added to, the offer and not expressly authorized by this subpart or the applicable Invitation may make such offer ineligible for consideration by CCC.

    (e) CCC's right to additional information. CCC may require the individual who signed the offer to provide documentary evidence of such individual's authority to execute an Agreement with CCC on behalf of the eligible exporter making the offer. CCC may require the eligible exporter to submit any other information which CCC deems necessary for consideration of the eligible exporter's offer. The exporter must furnish a copy of the sales contract to CCC upon request.

    (f) Considerations in making an offer. In making an offer, the eligible exporter should take into consideration that the exchange of CCC Certificates which may be issued as a bonus will be governed by the terms and conditions stated on the certificates and by any applicable regulations or procedures issued by or on behalf of CCC.

    [56 FR 25011, June 3, 1991, as amended at 62 FR 24561, May 6, 1997]