§ 1530.304 - Entry of sugar.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The licensee shall be permitted to enter imported sugar under subheading 1701.11.02 of the HTS in conformity with the conditions, limitations and restrictions of the license, the provisions of this subpart and additional U.S. note 3, and any other procedures specified by the Licensing Authority.

    (b) The licensee must present the license to the appropriate U.S. Customs Service official at the time of entry. Such customs official will mark on the license:

    (1) The quantity of sugar entered;

    (2) The date of entry; and

    (3) The customs entry number.

    (c) The licensee shall submit to the Licensing Authority a copy of the license, as marked by the customs official, within 10 business days after each entry of sugar.