Part 15b - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 15b.1 - Purpose.
§ 15b.2 - Applicability.
§ 15b.3 - Definitions.
§ 15b.4 - Discrimination prohibited.
§ 15b.5 - Assurances required.
§ 15b.6 - Designation of responsible employee and adoption of grievance procedures.
§ 15b.7 - Notice of nondiscrimination and accessible services.
§ 15b.8 - Remedial action, voluntary action, and self-evaluation.
§ 15b.9 - Effect of State or local law or other requirements, and effect of employment opportunities.
§ 15b.10 - Effect of compliance with regulations of other Federal agencies.
Subpart B - Employment Practices
§ 15b.11 - Applicability.
§ 15b.12 - Discrimination prohibited.
§ 15b.13 - Reasonable accommodation.
§ 15b.14 - Employment criteria.
§ 15b.15 - Preemployment inquiries.
Subpart C - Accessibility
§ 15b.16 - Applicability.
§ 15b.17 - Discrimination prohibited.
§ 15b.18 - Existing facilities.
§ 15b.19 - New construction.
Subpart D - Preschool, Elementary, Secondary, Adult, and Extension Education
§ 15b.20 - Applicability.
§ 15b.21 - Location and notification.
§ 15b.22 - Free appropriate public education.
§ 15b.23 - Educational setting.
§ 15b.24 - Evaluation and placement.
§ 15b.25 - Procedural safeguards.
§ 15b.26 - Nonacademic services.
§ 15b.27 - Extension education.
§ 15b.28 - Private education.
Subpart E - Postsecondary Education
§ 15b.29 - Applicability.
§ 15b.30 - Admissions and recruitment.
§ 15b.31 - Treatment of students.
§ 15b.32 - Academic adjustments.
§ 15b.33 - Housing.
§ 15b.34 - Financial and employment assistance to students.
§ 15b.35 - Nonacademic services.
Subpart F - Other Aid, Benefits, or Services
§ 15b.36 - Applicability.
§ 15b.37 - Auxiliary aids.
§ 15b.38 - Health care facilities.
§ 15b.39 - Education of institutionalized persons.
§ 15b.40 - Food services.
§ 15b.41 - Multi-family rental housing.
Subpart G - Procedures
§ 15b.42 - Procedures.
Appendix A to Part 15b - List of Federal Financial Assistance From USDA