§ 1703.118 - Other application selection provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Selection. Applications will be selected for financial assistance based on scores, availability of funds, and the provisions of this section. RUS will make determinations regarding the reasonableness of all numbers; dollar levels; rates; the nature and design of the project; cost; location; and other characteristics of the application and the proposed project to determine the number of points assigned to a grant application for all selection criteria. Joint applications submitted by multiple applicants as set forth in § 1703.113 will be rated as a single application.

    (b) Regardless of the number of points an application receives in accordance with § 1703.117 or the feasibility of the proposed project, the Administrator may, based on a review of the applications in accordance with the requirements of this subpart:

    (1) Limit the number of applications selected for projects located in any one state during a fiscal year;

    (2) Limit the number of selected applications for a particular project;

    (3) Select an application receiving fewer points than another higher scoring application if there are insufficient funds during a particular funding period to select the higher scoring application; provided, however, the Administrator may ask the applicant of the higher scoring application if it desires to reduce the amount of its application to the amount of funds available if, notwithstanding the lower grant amount, the Administrator determines the project is financially feasible in accordance with § 1703.109(d)(1) at the lower amount;

    (4) Award a grant to an applicant whose application carries out the priorities listed in the scoring criteria in such a way to make the application unique; or

    (5) Award a grant to an applicant which would normally qualify for other financial assistance, if the project achieves one or more of the following:

    (i) Utilitizes cutting edge technology to provide a solution to a unique problem;

    (ii) Provides services otherwise not possible in an extremely isolated geographic area; or

    (iii) Provides inordinate quantifiable benefit to rural communities relative to the amount of financial assistance requested.

    (c) RUS will not approve an application if RUS determines that:

    (1) The applicant's proposal does not indicate financial feasibility or is not sustainable in accordance with the requirements of § 1703.109(d)(1);

    (2) The applicant's proposal indicates technical flaws, which, in the opinion of RUS, would prevent successful implementation, operation, or sustainability of the proposed project; or

    (3) Any other aspect of the applicant's proposal fails to adequately address any requirements of this subpart or contains inadequacies which would, in the opinion of RUS, undermine the ability of the project to meet the general purpose of this subpart or comply with policies of the DLT program set forth in § 1703.101.

    (d) RUS may reduce the amount of the applicant's grant award based on insufficient program funding for the fiscal year in which the project is reviewed, and offer the applicant loan funds in addition to the grant funds, if RUS determines that, notwithstanding a lower grant award, the project will show financial feasibility in accordance with § 1703.109(d)(1), and continues to meet all other provisions of this subpart. RUS will discuss its findings informally with the applicant and make every effort to reach a mutually acceptable agreement with the applicant. Any discussions with the applicant and agreements made with regard to a reduced grant amount will be confirmed in writing, and these actions shall be deemed to have met the notification requirements set forth in paragraph (e) of this section.

    (e) RUS will provide the applicant an explanation of any determinations made with regard to paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(3) of this section prior to making final project selections for the year. The applicant will be provided 15 days from the date of RUS’ letter to respond, provide clarification, or make any adjustments or corrections to the project. If, in the opinion of the Administrator, the applicant fails to adequately respond to any determinations or other findings made by the Administrator, the project will not be funded, and the applicant will be notified of this determination. If the applicant does not agree with this finding an appeal may be filed in accordance with § 1703.119.