§ 1703.36 - Section of the application covering the project description.  

Latest version.
  • In general, this section should be more detailed the larger the project for which the borrower is requesting funding. The section of the application on the “project description” must include:

    (a) A description of the proposed project including the nature of the project, the location of the project, organizations that will be involved in the project and the primary beneficiaries of the project. Also include in this subsection a statement describing whether the borrower has or will have a direct or indirect (through a subsidiary or affiliated organization) ownership or similar beneficial interest in the facilities to be constructed or in the entity that will occupy or utilize these facilities. In addition, explain whether it seems likely that the proposed project will be undertaken or completed in the absence of an RUS zero-interest loan or grant;

    (b) A separate paragraph entitled “Uses of RUS Funds and Total Project Costs”, that includes a breakdown of the specific uses of RUS funds and a breakdown of the specific uses of all funds necessary to ensure completion of the project. Project costs should be limited to the amount to be spent over the 2-year period after receiving RUS funds;

    (c) For a project that involves the establishment of a new venture, such as a rural business incubator or a similar start-up venture, a discussion of how the costs of establishing, organizing and arranging financing for the venture will be paid, how start-up costs incurred after the venture has been established will be paid, the expected sources of revenue necessary to sustain the project and revenue and expense projections for the first 3 years of the project;

    (d) If the borrower will provide a pass-through-loan or pass-through-grant to another entity, outline the terms and conditions that the borrower intends to place on the recipient of the RUS funds including the security arrangements and collateral on a zero-interest loan. The discussion of proposed security arrangements and collateral should reflect the amount requested in the application, the risks involved with developing and operating the project, and the overall cost of the project;

    (e) For pass-through-loans and pass-through-grants, a description of the ultimate recipient, including the form of organization and ownership (i.e., corporation, nonprofit corporation, cooperative, partnership, sole proprietor), the owner(s) and the chief officers;

    (f) If the project involves construction, a brief description of the construction necessary to make the project operational and the organization involved with the project that will be responsible for building the project facilities or having them built;

    (g) A discussion of the manner in which the borrower intends to monitor the zero-interest loan and/or grant proceeds to ensure that they are used only for approved purposes; and

    (h) If applicable, a discussion on any potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest, a clarification of any aspect of the project with respect to the restriction that it must not result primarily in the transfer of any existing employment or business activity from one area to another or a clarification of any aspect of the project with respect to limitations in §§ 1703.20 and 1703.21.