§ 1794.90 - Circulation and notices.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A supplement to a draft or final EIS shall be prepared, circulated and given notice by RUS and the Borrower in the same manner (exclusive of scoping) as a draft and then final EIS (see § 1794.54).

    (b) Normally RUS and the Borrower shall have published notices of intent to prepare a supplement to a final EIS in those cases where a Record of Decision has already been issued.

    (c) RUS, at its discretion, may issue an information supplement to a final EIS where RUS determines that the purposes of NEPA are furthered by doing so even though such supplement is not required by 40 CFR 1502.9(c)(1). RUS and the Borrower shall publish a notice of availability. The notice requirements shall be the same as for a final EIS indicated in § 1794.54(a). The information supplement shall be circulated in the same manner as a final EIS (see § 1794.54(b)). RUS shall take no final action on any proposed modification discussed in the information supplement until thirty (30) days after the RUS notice of availability is published or thirty (30) days after the Borrower's notice is published, whichever occurs later.