§ 1941.35 - Actions after loan approval.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Requesting check. If the County Supervisor is reasonably certain that the loan can be closed within 20 working days from the date of the check, loan funds may be requested at the time of loan approval through the State Office terminal system. If funds are not requested when the loan is approved, advances in the amount needed will be requested through the County Office computer terminal system. Each advance will be limited to an amount which can be used promptly, usually within 60 days from the date of the check. Loan funds must be provided to the applicant(s) within 15 days after loan approval, unless the applicant(s) agrees to a longer period. If no funds are available within 15 days of loan approval, funds will be provided to the applicant as soon as possible and within 15 days after funds become available, unless the applicant(s) agrees to a longer period. If a longer period is agreed upon by the applicant(s), the same will be documented in the case file by the County Supervisor.

    (b) Cancellation of loan check and/or obligation. If, for any reason, a loan check or obligation will be canceled, the County Supervisor will notify the State Office and the Finance Office of loan cancellation by using Form 1940-10, “Cancellation of U.S. Treasury Check and/or Obligation.” If a check received in the County Office is to be canceled, the check will be returned as prescribed in FmHA Instruction 2018-D (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office).

    (c) Cancellation of advances. When an advance is to be cancelled the County Supervisor must take the following actions:

    (1) Complete and distribute Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1940-10.

    (2) When necessary, prepare and excute a subsitute promissory note reflecting the revised total of the loan and the revised repayment schedule. When it is not necessary to obtain a substitute promissory note, the County Supervisor will show on Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 440-57 the revised amount of the loan and the revised repayment schedule.

    (d) Increase or decrease in loan amount. If it becomes necessary to increase or decrease the amount of the loan prior to closing, the County Supervisor will request that all distributed docket forms be returned to the County Office for reprocessing unless the change is minor and replacement forms can be promptly completed and submitted.