§ 1941.60 - Purchase money security interest.  

Latest version.
  • A purchase money security interest will take priority over an earlier perfected security interest if a security agreement is taken and a financing statement is filed before the purchaser receives possession of the property or within 10 days thereafter, subject to the following limitations:

    (a) Motor vehicles. For motor vehicles required to be licensed, any action necessary to obtain perfection in the particular State, such as having the security interest noted on the certificate of title, must be taken before the purchaser receives possession or within 10 days. In some States, it is not necessary to file a financing statement to perfect a security interest in such motor vehicles; however, FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will always require both a security agreement and a financing statement. A State supplement will be issued, if necessary to set out the procedure for obtaining a lien on a motor vehicle, motorboat, or any special type of security.

    (b) Farm equipment. A purchase money security interest in farm equipment costing $2,500 or less (other than fixtures or motor vehicles required to be licensed), will take priority over an earlier perfected security interest if a security agreement is obtained, even though a financing statement is not executed or filed. FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354, however, will always file a financing statement. State supplements will be issued, as necessary, to further explain the requirements for complying with this section.

    (c) Inventory. A purchase money security interest in inventory will take priority over an earlier perfected security interest, provided:

    (1) A security agreement is taken and a financing statement is filed not later than the time the purchaser receives possession of the property, and

    (2) Before the purchaser takes possession of the property, written notice is given to the party holding the earlier perfected interest that the purchase money creditor has acquired or expects to acquire a purchase money security interest in the inventory, which must by described by item or type. When determined necessary by OGC, a State supplement will be issued to further explain the requirements for perfecting a purchase money security interest in inventory.

    (d) Fixtures. A security interest taken in goods before they become fixtures has priority over a security interest in the real estate to which they are attached. A security interest taken in goods after they become fixtures is valid against all persons later acquiring an interest in the real estate. It is not valid against persons who had an interest in the real estate when the goods become fixtures, unless they execute a consent disclaimer or Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 440-26, “Consent and Subordination Agreement”.

    (e) Crops. A security interest taken in crops not more than 3 months before the crops are planted or otherwise become growing crops, has priority over an earlier perfected security interest, if the obligation underlying the earlier interest was due more than 6 months before the crops became growing crops.