Subpart G - Rural Business Enterprise Grants and Television Demonstration Grants  

§ 1942.301 - Purpose.
§ 1942.302 - Policy.
§ 1942.303 - Authorities, delegation, and redelegation.
§ 1942.304 - Definitions.
§ 1942.305 - Eligibility and priority.
§ 1942.306 - Purposes of grants.
§ 1942.307 - Limitations on use of grant funds.
§ 1942.308 - Regional Commission grants.
§ 1942.309 - [Reserved]
§ 1942.310 - Other considerations.
§ 1942.311 - Application processing.
§ 1942.312 - [Reserved]
§ 1942.313 - Plan to provide financial assistance to third parties.
§ 1942.314 - Grants to provide financial assistance to third parties, television demonstration projects, and technical assistance programs.
§ 1942.315 - Docket preparation and Letter of Conditions.
§ 1942.316 - Grant approval, fund obligation, third party financial assistance and grant servicing.
§ 1942.321 - Subsequent grants.
§ 1942.348 - Exception authority.
§ 1942.349 - Forms, guides, and attachments.
§ 1942.350 - OMB control number.
Guide 1 to Subpart G of Part 1942 - Project Management Agreement Between the ____ Regional Commission and the Farmers Home Administration or Its Successor Agency Under Public Law 103-354, Department of Agriculture
Guide 2 to Subpart G of Part 1942 - Resolution
§§ 1942.322--1942.347 - [Reserved]
§§ 1942.317--1942.320 - [Reserved]