§ 1951.126 - Final referral to IRS.  

Latest version.
  • All accounts not eliminated will be sent to IRS for offset and Report Code 865, Borrower Accounts Submitted to IRS for Offset Report, sent to each appropriate County Office. Each County Office will review the list on Report Code 865 upon receipt, and each week thereafter. This weekly review will continue until September 1 for the previous year's submission, or until action has been taken on each account (offset or removal). If any of the events listed under § 1951.122 of this subpart occurs, immediately submit Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1951-43, “Adjustment of Accounts Referred for IRS Offset,” in accordance with the FMI for that form. All accounts referred to the IRS for offset will be reported to a credit bureau by the Finance Office.