§ 1951.661 - Servicing options in lieu of liquidation or legal action to collect.  

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  • When all of the conditions outlined in § 1951.658(b) are met, an unauthorized loan or grant will be serviced according to this section and § 1951.668, provided the recipient has the legal and financial capabilities.

    (a) Active borrower/grantee—(1) Unauthorized loan. (i) Correction of problem. If the problem causing the assistance to be unauthorized can be corrected, corrective action will be required. For example, where a loan was in excess of the authorized amount, the recipient will be required to refund the difference; or where the loan included funds for purchase of excess land, the recipient will be required to sell the excess land and the proceeds will be applied to the account as an extra payment; or where a restrictive-use provision was omitted from a loan document, the provision will be inserted.

    (ii) Continuation on existing terms. When there is no specific problem which can be corrected, continuation on the existing terms is authorized.

    (2) Unauthorized subsidy benefits received through use of incorrect interest rate. When the recipient was eligible for the loan but should properly have been charged a higher interest rate than that shown in the debt instrument, resulting in the receipt of unauthorized subsidy benefits, the interest rate must be corrected to that which was in effect when the loan was approved. All payments made will be reversed and reapplied at the correct interest rate and future installments will be scheduled at the correct interest rate. A delinquency which is created will be serviced according to subpart B of part 1965 of this chapter. After reapplication of payments, the loan will be serviced as an authorized loan. Change in interest rate will be accomplished according to § 1951.668. When the recipient is a public body with loans secured by bonds on which interest rate cannot legally be changed or payments reversed or reapplied, continuation on existing terms is authorized.

    (3) Unauthorized interest credits or rental assistance. In cases involving RA and/or IC, the subsidy benefits should be terminated as provided in the Interest Credit and Rental Assistance Agreement. Unauthorized RA will be serviced as a delinquent account according to paragraph X B of exhibit E of subpart C of part 1930 of this chapter.

    (i) Tenant's failure to properly report changes in income or size of the household to the borrower. In cases where a tenant has received RA and/or IC benefits to which he/she was not entitled because of the tenant's failure to properly report income or changes in household size, the borrower-landlord will provide the tenant with a notice of intent to recoup improperly advanced rental subsidy benefits. Such a notice must inform the tenant of the amount improperly advanced and the lump sum or monthly amount that will be added to the tenant's rent to recoup the improper rental subsidy. The borrower will inform the District Director of the unauthorized benefits and of the agreement made by the tenant to repay. Money collected will be remitted according to the FMI for Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1944-9. If the borrower has rental assistance, that portion attributable to RA will be credited to the borrower's RA account. In the event that the tenant does not repay through active collection efforts including legal remedy, the borrower will report the facts to the District Director. The District Director will report to the State Director who will obtain the advice of OGC on further actions.

    (ii) Tenant knowingly misrepresented income or number of occupants to the borrower. If it appears the tenant has knowingly misrepresented income to the borrower, the District Director will look into the case to determine the facts. If the District Director determines that income or number of occupants was misrepresented, he/she will direct the borrower-landlord to demand and to attempt to recoup improperly received rental subsidy from the tenant. Money collected will be remitted to the Finance Office according to the FMI for Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1944-9. If the tenant fails to make restitution, the District Director will refer the case to the State Director who will request the advice of OGC on further actions.

    (iii) Unauthorized RA and/or IC paid due to borrower's error. Whether unauthorized RA or IC was received by the borrower due to miscalculation or oversight by the borrower or the borrower's management agent, the borrower is required to make restitution to FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354. This restitution will not be charged to any tenant or to the project as any part of the budget or operating expense. The restitution will be handled as a refund according to the FMI for Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1944-49. In the case of a nonprofit or public body borrower, when funds from nonproject sources are not available, the State Director may make an exception and allow project income not required for approved operating budget items to cover the cost of restitution.

    (iv) Rental assistance assigned to wrong household. When the tenant has correctly reported income and household size, but RA was assigned by the borrower to the household in error, the tenant's RA benefit will be cancelled and reassigned.

    (A) Notification and cancellation. Before the borrower notifies the tenant, the borrower or management agent will review the case with the District Director. If the District Director verifies that an error was made based on information available at the time the unit was assigned, the tenant will be given 30 days written notice by the borrower or management agent that the unit was assigned in error and that the RA benefit will be cancelled effective on the next monthly rental payment due after the end of the 30-day notice period. The written notice will provide that:

    (1) The tenant has the right to cancel the lease based on the loss of subsidy benefit to the tenant.

    (2) The RA granted in error will not be recaptured.

    (3) The tenant may meet with management to discuss the cancellation and the facts on which the decision was based. The borrower must give the tenant appeal rights under subpart L or part 1944 of this chapter.

    (B) Reassignment of RA. Rental assistance will be reassigned in accordance with paragraph XII of exhibit E to subpart C of part 1930 of this chapter.

    (v) Rental assistance in excess of contract. When rental assistance is advanced in excess of the RA contract limit, the District Director will send a report of the facts and a recommendation of proposed action through the State Director to the Assistant Administrator, Housing. The Assistant Administrator will determine the disposition of the case and notify the State Director, who will instruct the District Director of the required action.

    (4) Unauthorized grant assistance. (i) When the recipient will repay unauthorized grant assistance over a period of time, interest will be charged at the rate specified in the grant agreement for default from the date received until paid. Repayment will be scheduled over a period consistent with the recipient's repayment ability but not to exceed 10 years. The District Director must maintain collection records as the Finance Office cannot set upon an account for repayment of a grant. The District Director will attempt to collect the monies due, and all collections will be remitted with Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 451-2, “Schedule of Remittances,” as a “Miscellaneous Collection for Application to the General Fund.” For cases identified in OIG audits only, the District Director will report quarterly to the State Office according to § 1951.668 (a)(6).

    (ii) If it is determined the recipient cannot repay unauthorized grant assistance, the assistance may be left outstanding under the terms of the grant agreement. In the case of committed funds not yet disbursed, no further disbursements will be made without prior consent of the Administrator.

    (5) Cases where recipient has both authorized and unauthorized loans outstanding. When a recipient has both authorized and unauthorized loans outstanding, installments will be scheduled to be paid concurrently on all loans. Each loan will be serviced according to the loan servicing regulations in effect for an authorized loan of its type.

    (b) Inactive borrower. When a borrower no longer has an outstanding account in the records of the Finance Office, the following actions will be taken:

    (1) Have the recipient execute a promissory note in the amount of the assistance determined to be unauthorized in the exhibit A (available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office) letter according to § 1951.657. This note will bear interest at the rate which was in effect for the type loan associated with the unauthorized assistance when it was approved. The term will not exceed 10 years.

    (2) Take the best mortgage obtainable to secure the note.