§ 1951.715 - Account adjustments and reporting requirement.  

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  • Cases of unauthorized assistance which require Finance Office notification and action, regardless of whether they were identified in an OIG audit or by other means, will be submitted to the Finance Office by memorandum from the servicing official, as provided in applicable paragraphs of § 1951.711 of this subpart. Each memorandum should include account (borrower) name, case number, audit report number (if applicable), finding number (if applicable), fund code, loan number, and an explanation of the actions to be taken. If the unauthorized assistance was identified in an OIG audit report, the memorandum should be clearly annotated “Audit Claim for OIG Report” as a part of the subject. The explanation should provide sufficient details to allow the Finance Office to properly adjust the account. The State Office will forward a consolidated report on unauthorized grant assistance identified in an OIG audit to the Finance Office by the 15th of March, June, September, and December of each year reflecting the information reported by servicing officials in accordance with § 1951.711(b)(2) for inclusion in the report to OIG.

    (a) Entire loan unauthorized. When the entire loan is unauthorized because the recipient was not eligible or because the loan was approved for unauthorized purposes, the servicing official will advise the Finance Office, by memorandum, which of the following servicing actions will be taken.

    (1) Repayment in full. If the recipient has arranged to repay the unauthorized loan in full through refinancing or other available resources, the payment will be remitted with Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 451-2 and the schedule number will be included in the memorandum.

    (2) Continuation with loan on existing or modified terms. When it is determined, according to § 1951.711 (b)(1) or (c), that continuation with the loan on the existing or modified terms will be provided, the servicing official will advise the Finance Office by memorandum of this determination including an explanation of the terms, if modified.

    (b) Portion of loan unauthorized. When only a portion of the loan has been determined to be for unauthorized purposes, the servicing official will advise the Finance Office, by memorandum, of the servicing actions as follows:

    (1) Repayment in full of unauthorized portion. If the recipient has arranged to repay the unauthorized portion of the loan through refinancing or other available resources, the remittance will be submitted with Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 451-2, and the schedule number will be included in the memorandum.

    (2) Continuation with unauthorized portion of loan on existing or modified terms. When it is determined, according to § 1951.711 (b)(1) or (c), that continuation with the unauthorized portion of the loan on the existing or modified terms will be provided, the servicing official will advise the Finance Office by memorandum of this determination, including an explanation of the terms if modified. The authorized portion will retain the original loan number with installments adjusted accordingly. Payments previously made will not be reversed and reapplied. The amortized unauthorized amount will be assigned the next available loan number. Installments for the authorized and unauthorized loans will be scheduled and paid concurrently.

    (c) Unauthorized subsidy benefits received. The unauthorized subsidy benefits received will be serviced according to § 1951.711 (b)(3) or (c).

    (d) Liquidation pending. When liquidation is initiated under the provisions of this subpart, the servicing official will advise the Finance Office, by memorandum, that an unauthorized assistance account is to be established. This account will be flagged “FAP” (Foreclosure Action Pending) or “CAP” (Court Action Pending), as applicable.

    (e) Liquidation not initiated. Cases in which liquidation would normally be initiated, but where it is not because of the provisions of § 1951.708(e)(1), will be serviced in accordance with § 1951.708(e)(1)(iii). If the unauthorized assistance was identified through means other than an OIG audit report, the Finance Office will not be notified and no action is necessary.

    (f) Unauthorized grant assistance. A grant that is to be repaid will be serviced according to § 1951.711(b)(2). If the unauthorized assistance was identified through means other than an OIG audit report and a determination has been made not to recover, the Finance Office will not be notified and no action is necessary.

    (g) Reporting. At prescribed intervals, the Finance Office will report to the OIG on the status of cases involving unauthorized assistance which were identified by OIG in audit reports. The amounts to be reported will be determined by the Finance Office after account servicing actions have been completed. For reporting purposes, the following applies:

    (1) For an unauthorized loan account established as provided in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, reporting will be as follows:

    (i) When unauthorized assistance is paid in full, this will be reported on the next scheduled report only.

    (ii) When continuation with the loan on existing or modified terms is approved, this will be reported on the next scheduled report, and no further reporting is required.

    (2) For unauthorized subsidy cases as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, once the interest rate has been appropriately adjusted, the unauthorized subsidy will be reported as resolved on the next scheduled report. No further reporting is required.

    (3) When an account is established with liquidation action pending as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, the status will be included on each scheduled report until the liquidation is completed or the account is otherwise paid in full.

    (4) When liquidation is not initiated as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, this will be reported on the next scheduled report. No further reporting is required.

    (5) When unauthorized grant assistance is scheduled to be repaid as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, collections and status will be included in the report to OIG until the amount is paid in full.