§ 1980.185 - Soil and Water loans.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Objectives. The basic objectives of the guaranteed SW loan program are to encourage and facilitate the improvement, protection, and proper use of farmland by providing financing for soil conservation; water development, conservation, and use; forestation; drainage of farmland; establishment and improvement of permanent pasture; pollution abatement and control; and other related measures consistent with all Federal, State, and local environmental quality standards. Achieving these objectives should help farmers to make needed land-use adjustments and should lessen the impact of adverse weather conditions on farming operations.

    (b) Soil and Water loan eligibility requirements. In accordance with the Food Security Act of 1985 (Pub. L. 99-198) after December 23, 1985, if an individual or any member, stockholder, partner, or joint operator of an entity is convicted under Federal or State law of planting, cultivating, growing, producing, harvesting or storing a controlled substance (see 21 CFR part 1308, which is exhibit C of subpart A of part 1941 of this chapter and is available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office, for the definition of “controlled substance”) prior to the issuance of the Loan Note Guarantee in any crop year, the individual or entity shall be ineligible for a loan guarantee for the crop year in which the individual or member, stockholder, partner, or joint operator of the entity was convicted and the four succeeding crop years. Applicants will attest on Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1980-25, that as individuals or that its members, if an entity, have not been convicted of such crime after December 23, 1985. In addition, the following requirements must be met:

    (1) An individual must:

    (i) Be a citizen of the United States (see § 1980.106(b) of this subpart for the definition of “United States”) or an alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Aliens must provide INS Forms I-151 or I-551, “Alien Registration Receipt Card.” Indefinite parolees are not eligible. If the authenticity of the information shown on the alien's identification document is questioned, the County Supervisor may request the INS to verify the information appearing on the alien's identification card by completing INS Form G-641, “Application for Verification of Information from Immigration and Naturalization Records,” obtainable from the nearest INS district (see exhibit B of subpart A of part 1944 of this chapter). Mail the completed form to INS. The payment of a service fee by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 to INS is waived by inserting in the upper right hand corner of INS Form G-641, the following: “INTERAGENCY LAW ENFORCEMENT REQUEST.” There is no U.S. citizenship restriction on loans made for waste pollution abatement and control facilities under § 1980.185(c)(2) of this subpart.

    (ii) Possess the legal capacity to incur the obligations of the loan.

    (iii) Have sufficient applicable educational and/or on the job training or farming experience in managing and operating a farm or ranch (1 year's complete production and marketing cycle within the last 5 years), which indicates the managerial ability necessary to assure reasonable prospects of success in the proposed plan of operation. There is no education or experience restriction on loans made for waste pollution abatement and control facilities under § 1980.185(c)(2) of this subpart.

    (iv) Have the character (emphasizing credit history, past record of debt repayment and reliability) and industry to carry out the proposed operation. Past record of debt repayment will not be cause for a determination that the applicant is not eligible if an honest attempt has been made to meet the obligation.

    (v) Honestly try to carry out the conditions and terms of the loan.

    (vi) Be unable to obtain sufficient credit without a guarantee to finance actual needs at reasonable rates and terms, taking into consideration prevailing private and cooperative rates and terms in the community in or near which the applicant resides for loans for similar purposes and periods of time.

    (vii) Be the owner or operator of not larger than a family farm after the loan is made, when loan funds are used for soil and water conservation and protection purposes as defined in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(v) of this section. There is no farm size restriction on loans made for waste pollution abatement and control facilities under § 1980.185(c)(2) of this subpart.

    (viii) If a tenant, have a satisfactory written lease for a sufficient period of time and under terms that will enable the operator to obtain reasonable returns on the improvements to be made with the guaranteed loan. In addition, the lease or separate agreement should provide for compensating the tenant for any remaining value of the improvements upon termination of the lease.

    (2) A cooperative, corporation, partnership or joint operation must:

    (i) Along with all of its members, stockholders, partners, or joint operators have the character (emphasizing credit history, past record of debt repayment and reliability) and industry to carry out the proposed operation. Past record of debt repayment will not be cause for a determination that the applicant is not eligible if an honest attempt has been made to meet the obligation.

    (ii) Along with all of its members, stockholders, partners, or joint operators, honestly try to carry out the conditions and terms of the loan.

    (iii) Consist of members, stockholders, partners or joint operators holding a majority interest who are citizens of the United States (see §1980.106(b) of this subpart for the definition of “United States”), or an alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Aliens must provide INS Forms I-151 or I-551. Indefinite parolees are not eligible. If the authenticity of the information shown on the alien's identification document is questioned, the County Supervisor may request the INS to verify the information appearing on the alien's identification card by completing INS Form G-641, obtainable from the nearest INS district (see exhibit B of subpart A of part 1944 of this chapter). Mail the completed form to INS. The payment of a service fee by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 to INS is waived by inserting in the upper right hand corner of INS Form G-641, the following: “INTERAGENCY LAW ENFORCEMENT REQUEST.” There is no U.S. citizenship restriction on loans made for waste pollution abatement and control facilities under § 1980.185(c)(2) of this subpart.

    (iv) Have sufficient applicable educational and/or on the job training or farming experience in managing and operating a farm or ranch (1 year's complete production and marketing cycle within the last 5 years), which indicates the managerial ability necessary to assure reasonable prospects of success in the proposed plan of operation. There is no education or experience restriction on loans made for waste pollution abatement and control facilities under § 1980.185(c)(2) of this subpart.

    (v) Be authorized to own and/or operate a farm in the State(s) in which the farm is located.

    (vi) Be unable to obtain sufficient credit without a guarantee, either as an entity or as individual members, stockholders, partners, or joint operators, to finance actual needs at reasonable rates and terms, taking into account prevailing private and cooperative rates and terms in or near the community for loans for similar purposes and periods of time.

    (vii) Be controlled by individuals engaged primarily and directly in farming or ranching in the United States after the loan is made.

    (viii) Be the owner or operator of not larger than a family farm after the loan is made, when loan funds are used for soil and water conservation and protection purposes as defined in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(v) of this section. There is no farm size restriction on loans made for waste pollution abatement and control facilities under § 1980.185(c)(2) of this subpart.

    (ix) If a tenant, have a satisfactory written lease for a sufficient period of time and under terms that will enable the applicant to obtain reasonable returns on the improvements made with the loan. In addition, the lease or separate agreement should provide for compensating the tenant for any remaining value of the improvements upon termination of the lease.

    (x) Consist of members, stockholders, partners or joint operators who are individuals and not corporation(s), partnership(s), cooperative(s), or joint operations.

    (xi) When loan funds will be used for soil and water conservation and protection purposes (paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(v) of this section), and the members, stockholders, partners, or joint operators holding a majority interest are related by blood or marriage, the requirements of § 1980.175(b)(2) (v) and (vii) of this subpart will apply.

    (xii) When loan funds will be used for soil and water conservation and protection purposes, and the members, stockholders, partners, or joint operators holding a majority interest are not related by blood or marriage, the requirements of § 1980.175(b)(2)(vi) of this subpart will apply.

    (c) Loan purposes. Loan purposes must be consistent with all Federal, State, and local environmental quality standards and funds may be used to:

    (1) Pay the costs for construction, materials, supplies, equipment, and services related to soil and water conservation and protection purposes, such as:

    (i) Installation of conservation structures, including terraces, sod waterways, permanently vegetated stream borders and filter strips, windbreaks (tree or grass), shelterbelts, and living snow fences.

    (ii) Establishment of forest cover for sustained yield timber management, erosion control, or shelterbelt purposes.

    (iii) Establishment or improvement of permanent pasture.

    (iv) The conversion to and maintenance of sustainable agriculture production systems, as described by Department technical guides and handbooks.

    (v) Payment of costs to build conservation structures or establish conservation practices on highly erodible land to comply with a conservation plan in accordance with part 12 of this title (see attachment 1 of exhibit M of subpart G of part 1940 of this chapter available in any FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 office).

    (vi) Other purposes consistent with plans for soil and water conservation, integrated farm management, water quality protection and enhancement, and wildlife habitat improvement.

    (vii) The following items/purposes related to conservation and protection purposes and water quality are authorized:

    (A) Sodding, subsoiling, land leveling, liming, and fencing.

    (B) Fertilizer and seed used in connection with a solid conservation practice or to establish or improve permanent vegetation.

    (C) Gasoline, oil, and equipment rental or hire connected with establishing or completing the development.

    (D) Reasonable expenses incidental to obtaining, planning, closing, and making the loan, such as fees for legal, engineering or other technical services, hazard insurance premiums, and loan fees authorized in § 1980.22 of subpart A of this part, which are required to be paid by the borrower and which cannot be paid from other funds. Loan funds may also be used to pay the borrower's share of Social Security taxes for labor hired by the borrower in connection with making any planned improvements.

    (E) Purchase or repair of special-purpose equipment such as terracing, land leveling, and ditching equipment, provided:

    (1) Such equipment is needed and will facilitate the completion or maintenance of the planned improvement, and

    (2) The cost of the equipment plus the other costs related to the improvement will not be more than if performed by a contractor or by another method.

    (F) Acquire a source of water to be used on land the applicant owns, will acquire, or operates including:

    (1) The purchase of water stock or membership in an incorporated water user association.

    (2) The acquisition of a water right through appropriation, agreement, permit, or decree.

    (3) The acquisition of water supply or right, and the land on which it is presently being used, when the water supply or right cannot be purchased without the land, provided:

    (i) The value of the land without the water supply or right is only an incidental part of the total price; and

    (ii) The water supply and right will be transferred to, and used more effectively on, other land owned or operated by the applicant.

    (G) Purchase land or an interest therein for sites or rights-of-way and easements upon which a water or drainage facility will be located.

    (H) Pay that part of the cost of facilities, improvements, and “practices” which will be paid for in connection with participation in programs administered by agencies such as the ASCS or the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) only when such costs cannot be covered by purchase orders or assignments to material suppliers or contractors. If loan funds are advanced and the portion of the payment for which the funds were advanced is likely to exceed $1,000, the applicant will assign the payment to the lender.

    (I) Provide water supply facilities for dwellings and farm buildings, including such facilities as wells, pumps, farmstead distribution systems, and home plumbing.

    (J) Pay costs of land and water development, use, and conservation essential to the applicant's farm, subject to the following:

    (1) Such a loan may be made on land with defective title owned by the applicant (see paragraph (f) of this section) or on land in which the applicant owns an undivided interest providing:

    (i) The amount of funds used on such land is limited to $25,000,

    (ii) There is adequate security for the loan, and

    (iii) The tract is not included in the appraisal report.

    (2) Such a loan may be made on land leased by the applicant providing:

    (i) The terms of the lease are such that there is reasonable assurance the applicant will have use of the improvement over its useful life.

    (ii) A written lease provides for payment to the tenant or assignee for any remaining value of the improvement if the lease is terminated.

    (iii) There is adequate security for the loan.

    (K) Purchase any stock in a cooperative lending agency that is necessary to obtain the loan.

    (2) Pay the costs of meeting Federal, State, or local requirements for agricultural, animal, or poultry waste pollution abatement and control facilities, including construction, modification, or relocation of the farm or farm structures if necessary to comply with such pollution abatement requirements.

    (d) Loan limitations. A guaranteed SW loan will not be approved if:

    (1) The loan being made exceeds the lesser of the value of the farm or other security for such loan or $50,000.

    (2) The total outstanding insured or guaranteed SW, FO or RL loan principal balance owed by the applicant or owed by anyone who will sign the note as a cosigner will exceed the lesser of $300,000 or the market value of the farm or other security.

    (3) The noncontiguous character of a farm containing two or more tracts is such that an efficient farming operation and nonfarm enterprise cannot be conducted due to the distance between tracts or due to inadequate rights-of-way or public roads between tracts.

    (4) The loan purpose will contribute to excessive erosion of highly erodible land or to the conversion of wetlands to produce an agricultural commodity, as further explained in exhibit M to subpart G of part 1940 of this chapter. A decision by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 to reject an application for this reason is appealable. However, an appeal questioning either the presence of a wetland, converted wetland, or highly erodible land on a particular property must be filed directly with the USDA agency making the determination in accordance with its appeal procedures.

    (e) Rates and terms. Each loan will be scheduled for repayment over a period not to exceed 40 years from the date of the note or such shorter period as may be necessary to assure that the loan will be adequately secured, taking into account the probable depreciation of the security.

    (1) The interest rates requirements are the same as set forth for operating loans in § 1980.175(e) of this subpart.

    (2) Installments may be deferred in accordance with § 1980.124(d) of this subpart.

    (f) Security. (1) Each guaranteed SW loan will be secured by real estate, chattels, other security, leaseholds, or a combination of these.

    (2) When obtaining real estate security, the following will apply:

    (i) A mortgage will be taken on the entire farm to be improved which is owned by the applicant, including land in which the applicant owns an undivided interest, except a portion of the farm will be excluded when:

    (A) The applicant's title to that part of the farm is defective, and cannot be cured at a reasonable cost, provided:

    (1) The lender determines the applicant's interest is of such nature that it is not mortgageable; and

    (2) To include the land would complicate loan servicing or liquidation; and

    (3) Any land on which title is defective will not be included in the appraisal of the farm whether or not it is described on the mortgage.

    (4) State law prohibits taking a lien on homestead property, except for a purchase money interest in such property. The State Director will issue a State supplement exempting taking a lien on homestead property where purchase money interest is involved.

    (B) The present lienholder on that part of the farm will not permit a junior lien or State law will not recognize or permit a lien provided the part excluded from the security is not included in the appraisal report.

    (C) Soundness of the loan will not be affected if there is defective title or part of the farm is not included as security.

    (ii) When the farm alone will not provide enough security, other real estate owned by the applicant may also be taken as security.

    (iii) Loans may be secured by a junior lien on real estate provided:

    (A) Prior lien instruments do not contain provisions for future advances (except for taxes, insurance, other costs needed to protect the security, or reasonable foreclosure costs), cancellation, summary forfeiture, or other clauses that may jeopardize the Government's or the lender's interest or the applicant's ability to pay the guaranteed loan unless any such undesirable provisions are limited, modified, waived or subordinated insofar as the Government and the lender are concerned.

    (B) Agreements are obtained from prior lienholders to give notice of foreclosure to the lender whenever State law or other arrangements do not require such a notice.

    (iv) Any loan of $10,000 or less may be secured by the best lien obtainable without title clearance or legal services normally required, provided the lender believes from a search of the county records that the applicant can give a mortgage on the farm. This exception to title clearance will not apply when land is to be purchased.

    (3) Loans may be secured by chattels subject to the following conditions:

    (i) Real estate security is inadequate to secure the loan or is not available at all.

    (ii) Taking a lien on chattels will not prevent the borrower from obtaining operating credit from other sources or the FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354.

    (iii) Junior liens on chattels may be taken when there is enough equity in the property. However, when practical, a first lien on selected chattel items should be obtained.

    (iv) A first lien will be taken on equipment or fixtures bought with loan funds whenever such property cannot be included in the real estate lien and this additional security is needed to secure the loan.

    (v) When a loan is made only for the purchase of shares of water stock, such stock will be pledged or assigned as security for the loan. No other security need be required if the stock represents the right to receive water and is transferable separately from the land, provided:

    (A) There is a market for the stock.

    (B) The purchase price is no greater than the price at which stock in the water company is normally sold.

    (vi) If secured by chattels only, the loan cannot be over $100,000 and must be scheduled for repayment within 20 years or the useful life of the security, whichever is less.

    (vii) The lender is responsible for obtaining the lien on chattel security and keeping it effective as notice to third parties.

    (4) Other items or property may be taken as additional security when needed. These include:

    (i) Items such as land, buildings, fixtures, fences, water, water stock and facilities, other improvements, easements, rights-of-way, and other appurtenances that are considered part of the farm and usually pass with the farm in a change of ownership. If any of these do not pass with a change of ownership, the lender will properly identify such items and include them in an appropriate security instrument or assignment.

    (ii) Other property that cannot be converted to cash without jeopardizing the borrower's farm operation such as the cash value of insurance policies, stock, memberships or stock in associations, or water stocks. Any such property must have security value and be transferable.

    (5) A loan may be secured by a mortgage on the leasehold if it has negotiable value and is able to be mortgaged, subject to the following:

    (i) The unexpired term of the lease should extend beyond the repayment period of the loan for a period sufficient to ensure that the objectives of the loan will be achieved. It the loan repayment period is equal to or greater than the period covered by the lease, the borrower must provide other security to secure the loan or the lessor must agree in writing to compensate the borrower for any unexhausted value of the improvements when the lease expires or is terminated.

    (ii) The lessor must have good and marketable title to the real estate, which may be subject to a prior lien, or the lessor must have signed a contract to purchase the real estate. The contract to sell and the lien instruments must not contain covenants, such as short redemption periods or rights to cancel, which may jeopardize the lender's security. Any provisions which may jeopardize the lender's security must be limited, modified, waived or subordinated in favor of the lender.

    (iii) With respect to achieving the purpose of the loan, obtaining adequate security, and being able to service the loan and enforce its rights, the lender, as holder of a mortgage upon a lease or leasehold interest, must be in a position substantially as good as if it held a second mortgage on the real estate. Besides the lessor's consent to the mortgage on the leasehold interest, the lender should consider whether or not:

    (A) There is reasonable security of tenure. The borrower's interest should not be subject to summary forfeiture or cancellation.

    (B) The right to foreclose the mortgage and sell without restriction would adversely affect the saleability or market value of the security.

    (C) The lender has a right to bid at a foreclosure sale or to accept voluntary conveyance in lieu of foreclosure.

    (D) The lender has the right, after acquiring the leasehold through foreclosure or voluntary conveyance in lieu of foreclosure, or in event of abandonment by the borrower, to occupy the property or sublet it, and to sell it for cash or credit.

    (E) The borrower has the right, in the event of default or inability to continue with the lease and the loan, to transfer the leasehold, subject to the mortgage, to an eligible transferee who will assume the guaranteed SW debt.

    (F) Advance notice will be given to the lender of the lessor's intention to cancel, terminate or foreclose upon the lease. Such advance notice should be long enough to permit the lender to ascertain the amount of delinquencies, the total amount of the lessor's and any other prior interest, the market value of the leasehold interest and, if litigation is involved, permit appropriate action by the lender to be taken.

    (G) There are express provisions covering the question of the lender's obligation to pay unpaid rental or other charges accrued at the time it acquires possession of the property or title to the leasehold, and those which become due during the lender's occupancy or ownership, pending further servicing or liquidation.

    (H) There are any necessary provisions to assure fair compensation to the lessee for any part of the premises taken by condemnation.

    (I) Any other provisions are necessary to obtain an interest which can be mortgaged.

    (iv) The following language or similar language which is legally adequate will be inserted on the lien instrument:

    This additional covenant will be inserted in the mortgage:

    (g) Special requirements. (1) When possible, recommendations for land development will be obtained from the Forest Service, State Agricultural Extension Service, and the Soil Conservation Service and included in the development plan and in the operating plans. In planning such development with the applicant, the lender will encourage the applicant to use any cost-sharing assistance that may be available through any source such as the ASCS programs.

    (2) Applicants are responsible for obtaining all the technical assistance required in connection with a guaranteed SW loan, such as that needed to plan, construct, or establish the improvement or facility to be financed.

    (3) Evidence or documentation of the following should be obtained when loan funds are to be used for irrigation purposes:

    (i) The land to be irrigated is suitable for irrigation.

    (ii) The applicant has a right to use water for irrigation.

    (iii) The water is suitable to use for irrigation and is available in sufficient quantities to irrigate a specified amount of land.

    (iv) If irrigation specialists have prepared any feasibility studies, copies of these studies should be submitted to the lender.

    (4) Insurance on building and other property, and insurance available in flood and mudslide hazard areas, will be obtained as required by the lender. Chattel security should be insured against losses caused by hazards customarily insured against in the area if the loss of such security would jeopardize the interests of the lender and the Government.

    (5) When life estates are involved, loans may be made:

    (i) To both the life estate holder and the remainderman, provided:

    (A) Both have a legal right to occupy and operate the farm; and

    (B) Both are eligible for the loan; and

    (C) Both parties sign the note and mortgage.

    (ii) To the remainderman only, provided:

    (A) The remainderman has a legal right to occupy and operate the farm; and

    (B) The lien instrument is signed by the remainderman, life estate holder, and any other party having any interest in the security.

    (iii) To the life estate holder only, provided:

    (A) There is no legal restriction placed on a life estate holder who occupies and operates a farm; and

    (B) The lien instrument is signed by the life estate holder, remainderman, and any other party having any interest in the security.

    (6) A loan will not be approved if a lien junior to the lender's lien securing the guaranteed loan is likely to be taken simultaneously with or immediately subsequent to the loan closing to secure any debt the borrower may have at the time of loan closing or any debt that may be incured in connection with the guaranteed loan, unless the total debt against the security would be within its market value.

    (7) When guarantees SW loans are made to eligible entities that consist of members, stockholders, partners or joint operators who are presently indebted for a guaranteed SW loan(s) are made to eligible individual(s), or when guaranteed SW loans are made to eligible individuals, who are members, stockholders, partners or joint operators of an entity which is presently indebted for a guaranteed SW loan(s), security must consist of chattel and/or real estate security that is separate and identifiable from the security pledged to FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 for any other farmer program insured or guaranteed loans. Different lien positions on real estate are considered separate and indentifiable collateral.