§ 1980.823 - Interest rates.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Rates will be negotiated between the lender and the borrower. They may be either fixed or variable rates as long as they are legal. Interest rates will be those rates customarily charged borrowers in similar circumstances in the ordinary course of business and are subject to FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 review and approval. FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will take into consideration in approving the lender's interest rate, the rate at which guaranteed loans are being sold or traded in the secondary market.

    (b) A variable interest rate must be tied to a base rate published periodically in a recognized national or regional financial publication specifically agreed to by the lender and borrower. Notice of any interest rate change proposed by the lender should allow a sufficient time period for the borrower to obtain any required state or other regulatory approval and to implement any user rate adjustments necessary as a result of the interest rate change. The interest rate will not be raised more than one percent per year. The intervals between interest rate adjustments will be specified in the loan agreement but not more often than annually. During the life of the loan, the interest rate will not be increased more than 5 percentage points over the interest rate at loan closing. The lender must incorporate within the variable rate promissory note or bond at loan closing, the provision for adjustment of payment installments coincident with an interest rate adjustment. This will assure the outstanding principal balance is properly amortized within the prescribed loan maturity to eliminate the possibility of a balloon payment at the end of the loan.

    (c) Any change in the interest rate between the date of issuance of the Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 449-14 and before the issuance of the Loan Note Guarantee (Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 449-34) must be approved by the State Director. Approval of such change will be shown on an amendment to Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 449-14.

    (d) It is permissible to have one interest rate on the guaranteed portion of the loan and another interest rate on the unguaranteed portion of the loan, provided the lender and borrower agree and:

    (1) The rate on the unguaranteed portion does not exceed that currently being charged on loans of similar purpose for borrowers under similar circumstances.

    (2) The rate on the guaranteed portion of the loan will not exceed the rate on the unguaranteed portion.

    (e) When multi-rates are used, the lender will provide FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 with the overall effective interest rate for the entire loan. Multi-rate loans must be either fixed or variable, but not both.

    (f) The borrower, lender and holder (if any) may collectively effect a permanent reduction in the interest rate on their CP guaranteed loan at any time during the life of the loan upon written agreement by these parties. FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 must be notified by the lender, in writing, within 10 calendar days of the change. If the guaranteed portion has been repurchased by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354, then FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 is a holder, and must affirm or reject interest rate change proposals. When FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 is a holder, it will concur in such interest rate change only when it is demonstrated to FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 that the change is a more viable alternative than initiating or proceeding with liquidation of the loan or continuing with the loan in its present state and that the Government's financial interests are not adversely affected. Factors which will be considered in making such determination will include whether the proposed interest rate will be below the Government's cost of borrowing money; whether continuing with the loan would realistically promote or enhance rural development, whether the monetary recovery would be increased by proceeding immediately to liquidation, if applicable; or allowing the borrower to continue at a reduced interest rate; and whether an in-depth financial analysis by the lender reasonably indicates that the project would be successful at a lower interest rate and reasonably indicates that the borrower could make the reduced payment and pay off amounts in arrears, if any. The FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 file will reflect the documentation of the interest rate change decision.

    (1) Fixed rates cannot be changed to variable rates to reduce the interest rate to the borrower unless the variable rate has a ceiling which is less than the original fixed rate.

    (2) Variable rates can be changed to a lower fixed rate. In a final loss settlement, when qualifying rate changes are made with the required written agreements and notification, the interest will be calculated for the periods the given rates were in effect, except that interest claimed on a loan which originated at a variable rate, can never exceed the amount which would have been eligible for claim, had the variable rate remained in force. The lesser cost to the Government will always prevail. The lender must maintain records e which adequately document the accrued interest claimed.

    (3) The lender is responsible for the legal documentation of interest changes by a rider attached to the promissory note(s) or any other legally effective amendment of the rate(s); however, no new note(s) may be issued.

    (g) No increases in interest rates will be permitted under the CP loan guarantee except the normal fluctuations in approved variable interest rate loans.

    (h) FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will notify the Finance Office of any interest rate reduction by using Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1980-47, “Guaranteed Loan Borrower Adjustments.” The District Director will make corrections to the Rural Community Facility Tracking System (RCFTS) reflecting the interest rate change. The FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 loan file, as well as the attachments to the copy of the promissory note in the file, will be documented by the District Director to reflect any change in the interest rate.