§ 1980.873 - Liquidation.  

Latest version.
  • Liquidation will be conducted in accordance with the lender's loan agreement and § 1980.64 of subpart A of this part.

    (a) State Directors are authorized to approve lender liquidation plans as authorized on separate written approval authorities issued in accordance with subpart A of part 1901 of this chapter. Within delegated authorities, the State Director may approve a written partial liquidation plan submitted by the lender covering collateral that must be immediately protected or cared for in order to preserve or maintain its value. Approval of the partial liquidation plan must be in the best interest of the government. The approved partial liquidation plan is only good for those actions necessary to immediately preserve and protect the collateral and must be followed by a complete liquidation plan prepared by the lender in accordance with the requirements of the lender's agreement.

    (b) Collateral acquired by the lender can only be released after a complete review of the proposal.

    (1) There may be instances when the lender acquires the collateral of a borrower where the cost of liquidation exceeds the potential recovery value of the security. Whenever this occurs, the lender with the concurrence of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354, can abandon the collateral in lieu of liquidation.

    (2) Sale of acquired collateral to the former borrower, former borrower's stockholder(s) or officer(s), or the lender or lender's stockholder(s) or officer(s), will require the concurrence of FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354.

    (c) FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 will exercise the option to liquidate only when there is reason to believe the lender is not likely to initiate liquidation efforts that will result in maximum recovery. When there is reason to believe the lender will not initiate efforts that will maximize recovery through liquidation, the State Director will forward the lender's liquidation plan, if available, with appropriate recommendations along with the State Director's exceptions to the lender's plan to the Director of the appropriate program division for evaluation and approval or rejection of the State Director's recommendation. The State Director has no authority to exercise the option to liquidate without National Office approval. When FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 liquidates, reasonable liquidation expenses will be assessed against the proceeds derived from the sale of the collateral. In such instances the State Director will send to the Finance Office Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1980-45, “Notice of Liquidation Responsibility” to notify the Finance Office that FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 has liquidation responsibility and Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 1980-46, “Report of Liquidation Expense,” to request payment of liquidation costs.

    (d) State Directors are responsible for review and acceptance of accounting reports as submitted by lenders and for submission of such reports to lenders when FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 is conducting liquidation.

    (e) State Directors are authorized to approve final reports of loss from the lender in separate written approval authorities issued in accordance with subpart A of part 1901 of this chapter. The State Director will submit to the Finance Office for payment any loss claims of the lender on Form FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 449-30, “Loan Note Guarantee Report of Loss.” The Finance Office forwards loss payment checks to the State Director for delivery to the lender. When a loss claim is involved on a particular loan guarantee, ordinarily one estimated “Report of Loss” will be authorized. In the case of bankruptcy, more than one estimated “Report of Loss” may be authorized. Only one final filed with the Finance Office at the completion of all liquidations. The Finance Office will use this form to close out the account.

    (f) Final loss payments will be made within the 60 days required, but only after a review by FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 to assure that all collateral for the loan has been properly accounted for and liquidation expenses are reasonable and within approved limits. State Directors are responsible to see that such reviews are accomplished by the State within 30 days, and final loss claims in excess of the State Director's approval authority are forwarded to be accepted or otherwise resolved by the appropriate National Office program division within the 60-day period. Any estimated loss payments made to the lender must be taken into consideration when paying a final loss on the FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 guaranteed loan. The estimated loss payment must be treated as a deduction from the principal amount of the loan that is equal to the estimated loss payment. The State Director may request National Office assistance in the conduct of any review. All reviews for final loss claim in excess of the State Director's approval authority (See subpart A of part 1901 of this chapter) will be submitted to the appropriate National Office program division for concurrence prior to the State Director's approval of the claim. Close scrutiny of liquidation proceeds and their application in accordance with lien priorities is required. Before final loss payments are approved and to assist in the required review, the State Director will prepare a narrative history of the guarantee transaction which will serve as the summary of occurrences which led to failure of the borrower and actions taken to maximize loan recovery. The original of this report will be filed in the loan case file.