§ 292.8 - Plan for Operations and Management.  

Latest version.
  • § 292.8 Plan for Operations and Management.

    (a) Not later than August 15 of each year, the Summer EBT agency must submit to the FNS Regional Office its intent to administer the Summer EBT Program the following summer, along with an interim Plan for Operations and Management (POM) and expenditure plan for the Summer EBT Program for the upcoming fiscal year. For 2024 only, the Summer EBT agency must submit to the FNS regional office its intent to administer the Summer EBT Program by January 1, 2024, and the interim POM and expenditure plan as soon as is practicable. The interim POM must:

    (1) Include the Summer EBT agency's forecasted program participation, anticipated administrative funding needs as part of an expenditure plan, and other programmatic information required in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, if applicable, to the extent that such information has been determined at the time of submission.

    (2) Be approved by FNS before the Summer EBT agency may draw Federal administrative funds for the fiscal year.

    (b) Not later than February 15 of each year, the Summer EBT agency must submit to the FNS Regional Office a final POM. The final POM must:

    (1) Address all the requirements of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, if applicable.

    (2) Be approved by FNS before the Summer EBT agency may draw Federal food benefit funds for the fiscal year.

    (c) USDA will respond to the interim and final POM, respectively, within 30 calendar days of receipt. If the plan initially submitted is not approved, the Summer EBT agency and USDA will collaborate to ensure changes to the plan are submitted for approval.

    (d) At any time after approval, the Summer EBT agency may amend an interim or final POM to reflect changes. The Summer EBT agency must submit the amendments to USDA for approval. The amendments must be signed by the Summer EBT agency-designated official responsible for ensuring that the Program is operated in accordance with the POM.

    (e) Summer EBT agencies must include the following in their final POM, at a minimum:

    (1) A copy of the inter-agency written agreement between the Summer EBT coordinating agency and each partnering agency that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each as required in § 292.3(e) if applicable.

    (2) An estimate of the number of participants who will be served for the coming year.

    (3) The administrative budget on behalf of the State's or ITO's entire program operations which reflects the comprehensive needs of the Summer EBT agencies and local education agencies. The budget must include the Summer EBT agency's plan to comply with any standards prescribed by the Secretary for the use of these funds, as well as an expenditure plan reflecting planned administrative cost requirements for the year. Should administrative fund needs change, an amended expenditure plan is required.

    (4) A plan for timely and effective action against program violators.

    (5) A plan to comply with the Summer EBT agency requirements in §§ 292.12 through 292.14.

    (6) A plan to ensure that Summer EBT benefits are issued to children based on their enrollment at the end of the instructional year immediately preceding each summer.

    (7) A description of enrollment procedures including, but not limited to, applications, NSLP enrollment database, direct verification and verification, as applicable.

    (8) The plan to coordinate with an ITO Summer EBT Program or State Summer EBT Program, as applicable, in accordance with § 292.9.

    (9) The procedures to detect and prevent dual participation including a child simultaneously receiving benefits from more than one Summer EBT Program, or simultaneously receiving multiple allotments from the same State or ITO-administered Summer EBT Program as required in § 292.9(b)(3).

    (10) A description of the issuance process including:

    (i) The start and end dates of the summer operational period;

    (ii) Date(s) when benefits will be issued;

    (iii) Benefit issuance dates for LEAs operating on a continuous school calendar, as applicable;

    (iv) Whether benefits will be added to an existing EBT card or other mobile payment instrument used to deliver SNAP or WIC benefits or, instead, whether benefits will be issued on a unique Summer EBT card or instrument;

    (v) Whether benefits will be issued to each eligible child or to households, as applicable;

    (vi) How the Summer EBT agency will provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations; and

    (vii) Claims procedures in cases of erroneous payments in accordance with requirements at § 292.16(g).

    (11) Customer service plans including:

    (i) A single point of contact for all customer service information and inquiries including a hotline and website;

    (ii) How eligible households will be informed of the availability of program benefits and the process to apply for benefits, if necessary; and

    (iii) A simplified process for households to opt out of the program.

    (12) A copy of the fair hearing procedure for participants.

    (f) In addition to the items listed in paragraph (e) of this section, an ITO Summer EBT agency must include in its POM:

    (1) The service area of the ITO, a map or other visual reference aid, and a description of any Tribal areas outside of the ITO's jurisdiction that they propose to serve;

    (2) A plan and procedures to enroll children already deemed eligible by a State Summer EBT agency serving the same geographic area, without further application;

    (3) A plan and procedures to determine eligibility for and enroll children who must apply through the ITO Summer EBT agency to receive benefits because they have not already been identified as eligible, e.g., by a State Summer EBT agency serving the same geographic area. The ITO Summer EBT agency must use the eligibility criteria under § 292.6;

    (4) A description of the benefit delivery model to be used. The ITO Summer EBT agency may use a cash-value benefit (CVB) model, a food package model, a combination of the two, or an alternate model. The ITO Summer EBT agency must use the same benefit model for all participants throughout its service area;

    (i) For ITOs using a CVB-only benefit delivery model, a description of how the benefit level equal to the amount set forth in § 292.15(e); or

    (ii) For ITOs using a food package benefit delivery model, a combination CVB and food package benefit delivery model, or an alternate benefit delivery model, a description of how the benefit level will not exceed the amount set forth in § 292.15(e);

    (5) The list of supplemental foods for which participants can transact upon enrollment, excluding infant formula and infant foods;

    (6) Procedures for enrolling applicable vendors to transact and redeem Summer EBT Program benefits. As a prerequisite, such vendors must be approved for participation in the WIC Program;

    (7) A plan for providing technical assistance and training to vendors enrolled to transact and redeem Summer EBT Program benefits; and

    (8) A plan for vendor integrity and monitoring, pursuant to § 292.19.