§ 3017.215 - Which nonprocurement transactions are not covered transactions?  

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  • The following types of nonprocurement transactions are not covered transactions:

    (a) A direct award to—

    (1) A foreign government or foreign governmental entity;

    (2) A public international organization;

    (3) An entity owned (in whole or in part) or controlled by a foreign government; or

    (4) Any other entity consisting wholly or partially of one or more foreign governments or foreign governmental entities.

    (b) A benefit to an individual as a personal entitlement without regard to the individual's present responsibility (but benefits received in an individual's business capacity are not excepted). For example, if a person receives social security benefits under the Supplemental Security Income provisions of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 1301 et seq., those benefits are not covered transactions and, therefore, are not affected if the person is excluded.

    (c) Federal employment.

    (d) A transaction that the Department of Agriculture needs to respond to a national or agency-recognized emergency or disaster.

    (e) A permit, license, certificate, or similar instrument issued as a means to regulate public health, safety, or the environment, unless the Department of Agriculture specifically designates it to be a covered transaction.

    (f) An incidental benefit that results from ordinary governmental operations.

    (g) Any other transaction if the application of an exclusion to the transaction is prohibited by law.

    (h) An entitlement or mandatory award required by a statute, including a lower tier entitlement or mandatory award that is required by a statute.

    (i) With respect to the Department of Agriculture's export and foreign assistance programs, any transaction below the primary tier covered transaction other than a nonprocurement transaction under the Market Access Program between a nonprofit tradeassociation or state regional group and a U.S. entity, as defined in part 1485 of this title.

    (j) Any transaction under the Department of Agriculture's conservation programs, warehouse licensing programs, or programs that provide statutory entitlements and makeavailable loans to individuals and entities in their capacity as producers of agricultural commodities.

    (k) The export or substitution of Federal timber governed by the Forest ResourcesConservation and Shortage Relief Act of 1990, 16 U.S.C. 620 et seq. (The “Export Act”), which provides separate statutory authority to debar.

    (l) The receipt of licenses, permits, certificates, and indemnification under regulatory programs conducted in the interest of public health and safety, and animal and plant health and safety.

    (m) The receipt of official grading and inspection services, animal damage control services, public health and safety inspection services, and animal and plant health and safety inspection services.

    (n) If the person is a State or local government, the provision of official grading and inspection services, animal damage control services, animal and plant health and safety inspection services.

    (o) The receipt of licenses, permit, or certificates under regulatory programs conducted in the interest of ensuring fair trade practices.

    (p) Permits, licenses, exchanges and other acquisitions of real property, rights of way, and easements under natural resource management programs.