§ 318.58-4a - Administrative instructions authorizing the movement from Puerto Rico of frozen fruits and vegetables.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, pursuant to the authority contained in §§ 318.58-2 and 318.58-3, approves the process of quick freezing in accordance with part 305 of this chapter as a treatment for all fruits and vegetables described in § 318.58-2, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c) of this section. Such frozen fruits and vegetables may be certified for movement from Puerto Rico into or through any other Territory, State, or District of the United States in accordance with § 318.58-3.2

    (b) The inspector in Puerto Rico shall determine that such fruits and vegetables are in a satisfactory frozen state before issuing a certificate. The inspector on the mainland will release the shipment on the basis of the certificate issued in Puerto Rico.

    (c) The movement from Puerto Rico of frozen fruits and vegetables is not authorized when such fruits and vegetables are subject to attack, in the area of origin, by plant pests that may not, in the judgment of the Administrator , be destroyed by freezing.