§ 318.58-4c - Movement of sweetpotatoes from Puerto Rico to certain ports.  

Latest version.
  • Sweetpotatoes from Puerto Rico may be moved interstate to Atlantic Coast ports north of and including Baltimore, MD, if the following conditions are met:

    (a) The sweetpotatoes must be certified by an inspector of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as having been grown under the following conditions:

    (1) Fields in which the sweetpotatoes have been grown must have been given a preplanting treatment with an approved soil insecticide.

    (2) Before planting in such treated fields, the sweetpotato draws and vine cuttings must have been dipped in an approved insecticidal solution.

    (3) During the growing season an approved insecticide must have been applied to the vines at prescribed intervals.

    (b) An inspector of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico must certify that the sweetpotatoes have been washed.

    (c) The sweetpotatoes must be graded by inspectors of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in accordance with Puerto Rican standards which do not provide a tolerance for insect infestation or evidence of insect injury and found by such inspectors to comply with such standards prior to movement from Puerto Rico.

    (d) The sweetpotatoes must be inspected by an inspector and found to be free of the sweetpotato scarabee (Euscepes postfasciatus Fairm.).