§ 319.41-5a - Administrative instructions; method used for the disinfection of imported broomcorn and broomcorn brooms.

Latest version.
  • Broomcorn and articles made of broomcorn which are required to be treated, under the provisions of § 319.41-5, will be treated by one of the following methods:

    (a) Vacuum fumigation. (1) The temperature of the stalks and of the fumigation chamber during the fumigation shall be not less than 60° F.

    (2) The dosage for the fumigation shall be 3 pounds of liquid hydrocyanic acid or its equivalent per 1,000 cubic feet of space.

    (3) The air pressure in the fumigation chamber shall be reduced to the equivalent of 2 inches of mercury (a 28-inch vacuum at sea level), after which the hydrocyanic acid shall be introduced and the low pressure held for the duration of the fumigation.

    (4) The exposure shall be not less than 3 hours.

    (b) Steam sterilization. (1) The air pressure in the treating chamber shall be reduced to the equivalent of 5 inches of mercury (a 25-inch vacuum at sea level).

    (2) Steam shall then be introduced until a positive pressure of 10 pounds is obtained.

    (3) The exposure to the 10-pound positive pressure of steam shall continue for a period sufficient to assure a constant temperature in all parts of the treating chamber, after which the steam may be shut off and the treating chamber exhausted of the uncondensed steam.

    (c) Other treatments. Any other treatments approved by the Deputy Administrator of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs in specific cases.