§ 319.56-2n - Administrative instructions prescribing a combination treatment of fumigation plus refrigeration for certain fruits.  

Latest version.
  • Fumigation with methyl bromide at normal atmospheric pressure followed by refrigerated storage, in accordance with part 305 of this chapter, is specific for the Mediterranean fruit fly, the oriental fruit fly, and the grape vine moth, and for certain pests of grapes and other fruit from Chile, but may not be effective against certain other dangerous pests of fruit. Accordingly this treatment will be approved for use as an alternative method of treatment to the methods prescribed in § 319.56-2d and § 319.56-2m, in connection with the issuance of permits under § 319.56-3 for the importation of fruits from any country when it is determined that the pest risk involved in the proposed importation is such that it will be eliminated by this treatment.

    (a) Ports of entry. Fruits to be offered for entry may be shipped from the country of origin to United States ports which are named in the permit.

    (b) Approved treatment. The phases of the combination treatment shall consist of fumigation and aeration, and a precooling and refrigeration period. The fumigation dosage rates and refrigeration periods are designated in part 305 of this chapter.

    (c) Supervision of treatment and subsequent handling. The treatment approved in this section and the subsequent handling of the fruit so treated must be conducted under the supervision of an inspector of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs. If any part of the treatment is conducted in the country of origin, the organization requesting the service must enter into a formal agreement with this Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs to secure the services of an inspector.

    (d) Costs. All costs of treatment, required safeguards, and supervision of treatments by the inspector shall be borne by the owner of the fruit, or his representative, when the treatment is given in foreign countries. There is no charge for supervision of treatments given at authorized U.S. ports of entry during regularly scheduled hours of duty.

    (e) Department not responsible for damage. The treatment prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section is judged from limited experimental tests to be safe for use with fruits likely to be infested with the Mediterranean fruit fly or the oriental fruit fly, or with the grape vine moth or other pests of grapes or other fruits from Chile. However, the Department assumes no responsibility for any damage sustained through or in the course of the treatment. There has not been an opportunity to test the treatment on all varieties of fruits that may be offered for entry from various countries. It is recommended that the phytotoxicity of the treatment to the variety to be shipped shall be tested by exporters in the country of origin or by means of test shipments sent to this country.