§ 4284.441 - Individual loans and grants.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The amount of loan and grant funds approved by RDA or its successor agency will be based on the need shown in the application and an implementation plan submitted by the applicant. The implementation plan will include such things as: purpose, how funds will be used, proposed application process, construction requirements, control and disbursement of funds, etc. The implementation plan will be attached to Exhibit A of this subpart.

    (b) Exhibit A of this subpart is a Memorandum of Agreement which sets forth the procedures and regulations for making and servicing loans and grants made by applicants to individuals. The RDA or its successor agency Regional Director is authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with any applicant providing loans and/or grants to individuals. The Memorandum of Agreement can be amended to comply with State law and recommendations by the Office of General Counsel. It may also be amended to eliminate references to loans and/or grants if no loan and/or grant is involved. The RDA or its successor agency Regional Director is responsible for:

    (1) Ensuring that all provisions of the Agreement are understood.

    (2) Determining that the applicant has the ability to make and service loans and/or grants in the manner outlined in the Agreement.

    (c) RDA or its successor agency funds remaining after providing individual loans and/or grants will be returned to RDA or its successor agency. The funds should be disbursed to individuals within 1 year from the date water and/or waste disposal service is available to the individuals. The RDA or its successor agency Regional Director can make an exception to this 1 year requirement if written justification is provided by the applicant.