§ 4284.527 - Other considerations.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Civil rights compliance requirements. All grants made under this subpart are subject to the requirements of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin as outlined in part 1901, subpart E of this title. In addition, the grants made under this subpart are subject to the requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; the requirements of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; and title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by private entities in places of public accommodations.

    (b) Environmental requirements—(1) General applicability. Unless specifically modified by this section, the requirements of part 1940, subpart G of this title apply to this subpart. For example, the Agency's general and specific environmental policies contained in §§ 1940.303 and 1940.304 of this title must be complied with. Although the purpose of the grant program established by this subpart is to improve business, industry, and employment in rural areas, this purpose is to be achieved, to the extent practicable, without adversely affecting important environmental resources of rural areas such as important farmland and forest lands, prime rangelands, wetland, and flood plains. Prospective recipients of grants, therefore, must consider the potential environmental impacts of their applications at the earliest planning stages and develop plans and projects that minimize the potential to adversely impact on the environment.

    (2) Technical assistance. An application for a project exclusively involving technical assistance is generally excluded from the environmental review process by § 1940.310(e)(1) of this title. However, as further specified in § 1940.333 of this title, the grantee of a technical assistance grant, in the process of providing technical assistance, must consider and generally document within their plans the potential environmental impacts of the plan and recommendations provided to the recipient of the technical assistance.

    (3) Applications for grants to provide other than technical assistance to third-party recipients. As part of the preapplication, the applicant must provide a complete “Request for Environmental Information,” for each project specifically identified in its plan to provide other than technical assistance to third parties who will undertake eligible projects with such assistance. The Agency will review the preapplication, supporting materials, and the required “Request for Environmental Information” and assess the impact of the preapplication. This assessment will focus on the potential cumulative impacts of the projects as well as any environmental concerns or problems that are associated with individual projects that can be identified at this time from the information submitted. Because the Agency's approval of this type of grant application does not constitute a commitment to the use of grant funds for any identified third-party projects (see § 4284.541), no public notification requirements will apply to the preapplication. After the grant is approved, each third-party project to be assisted under the grant will undergo the applicable environmental review and public notification requirements in part 1940, subpart G of this title prior to the Agency providing its consent to the grantee to assist the third-party project. If the preapplication reflects only one project which is specifically identified as the third-party recipient for financial assistance, the Agency may proceed directly to the appropriate environmental assessment for the third-party recipient with public notification as required. The applicant must be advised that if the recipient or project changes after the grant is approved, the project to be assisted under the grant will undergo the applicable environmental review and public notification requirements.

    (c) Government-wide debarment and suspension (non-procurement) and requirements for drug-free workplace. Persons who are disbarred or suspended are excluded from federal assistance and benefits including grants under this subpart. Grantees must certify that they will provide a drug-free workplace.

    (d) Restrictions on lobbying. All grants must comply with the lobbying restrictions contained in part 3018 of this title.

    (e) Excess capacity or transfer of employment. If a proposed project has financial assistance from all sources for more than $1 million and will increase direct employment by more than 50 employees, the applicant will be requested to provide written support for an Agency determination that the proposal will not result in a project which is calculated to, or likely to, result in the transfer of any employment or business activity from one area to another. This limitation will not prohibit assistance for the expansion of an existing business entity through the establishment of a new branch, affiliate, or subsidiary of such entity if the expansion will not result in an increase in the unemployment in the area of original location or in any other area where such entity conducts business operations.

    (f) Management assistance. Grant recipients will be supervised, as necessary, to ensure that projects are completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications and that funds are expended for approved purposes. Grants made under this subpart will be administered under, and are subject to, parts 3015, 3017, 3019, and 3051 of this title, as appropriate, and established RBS guidelines.

    (g) Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act. All projects must comply with the requirements contained in part 21 of this title.

    (h) Flood or mudslide hazard area precautions. If the grantee financed project is in a flood or mudslide area, flood or mudslide insurance must be obtained through the National Flood Insurance Program.

    (i) Termination of federal requirements. Once the grantee has provided assistance with project loans in an amount equal to the grant provided by RBS, the requirements imposed on the grantee shall not be applicable to any new projects thereafter financed from the RCDG funds. Such new projects shall not be considered as being derived from federal funds. The purposes of such new projects, however, shall be consistent with these regulations.

    (j) Intergovernmental review. Grant projects are subject to the provisions of Executive Order 12372 which requires intergovernmental consultation with state and local officials. A loan fund established in whole, or in part, with grant funds will also be considered a project for the purpose of intergovernmental review as well as the specific projects funded with grant funds from the RCDG funds. For each project to be assisted with a grant under this subpart and which the state has elected to review under their intergovernmental review process, the state point of contact must be notified. Notification, in the form of a project description, can be initiated by the grantee. Any comments from the state must be included with the grantee's request to use RBS grant funds for the specific project. Prior to the RBS decision on the request, compliance with requirements of intergovernmental consultation must be demonstrated for each project. These requirements should be completed in accordance with “Intergovernmental Review of Department of Agriculture Programs and Activities,” part 3015, subpart V of this title.