§ 4285.58 - How to apply for cooperative agreement funds.  

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  • § 4285.58 How to apply for cooperative agreement funds.

    (a) A program solicitation will be prepared and announced through publications such as the Federal Register, professional trade journals, agency or program handbooks, and/or any other appropriate means, as early as practicable each fiscal year in which funds are appropriated for the program.

    (b) The annual program solicitation will contain information sufficient to enable all eligible applicants to prepare proposals including:

    (1) Desired research topics. The FY-94 solicitation will encourage studies:

    (i) To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing of agricultural cooperatives;

    (ii) To measure the impact of rural cooperatives on the local economies;

    (iii) That help identify opportunities to develop cooperatives for new or alternative market uses of agricultural products;

    (iv) That help identify ways to develop agricultural marketing cooperatives; and

    (v) Addressing other cooperative marketing objectives;

    (2) Explanation of eligibility requirements as outlined in § 4285.24 of this subpart;

    (3) The notice of availability of application forms and instructions for submission of applications;

    (4) The notice of deadline dates for postmarking proposal packages.

    (c) Format for proposals. Unless otherwise indicated by the Department in the annual program solicitation, the following information must be submitted for the preparation of proposals under this program:

    (1) Form SF-424, “Application for Federal Assistance.”

    (2) Form SF-424A, “Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs.”

    (3) Form SF-424B, “Assurances - Non-Construction Programs.”

    (4) Statement of Work. The application must include a narrative statement describing the nature of the proposed research. The Statement of Work must include at least the following:

    (i) Title of the Project. The title of the proposal must be brief, yet represent the major thrust of the project.

    (ii) Project Leaders. List the name(s) of the principal investigator(s). Minor collaborators or consultants should be so designated and not listed as principal investigators.

    (iii) Need for the Project. A concisely worded rationale behind the proposed research must be presented. The need for the proposed research must be clearly related to marketing and to the needs of agricultural cooperatives.

    (iv) Objectives of the project. The specific description of the overall project goal(s) and supporting objectives must be presented.

    (v) Procedures for conducting the research. The hypotheses or questions being asked and the methodology being applied to the proposed project must be described. A description of any subcontracting arrangements that will be used for conducting the research must be included. A tentative schedule for conducting major steps involved in the investigation must also be included.

    (vi) The expected output of the project. A description of how the results of the research will be disseminated should be presented. Responsibility for publishing any research reports or other types of output should also be identified.

    (5) Collaborative arrangements. If the nature of the proposed project requires collaboration or subcontractual arrangements with other research scientists, corporations, organizations, agencies, or entities, the applicant must identify the collaborator(s) and provide a full explanation of the nature of the collaboration. Evidence (i.e., letters of intent) should be provided to assure reviewers that the collaborators involved have agreed to render this service. In addition, the proposal must indicate whether or not such a collaborative arrangement(s) has the potential for conflict(s) of interest.

    (6) Personnel support. To assist reviewers in assessing the competence and experience of the proposed project staff, key personnel who will be involved in the proposed project must be identified clearly. For each principal investigator involved, and for all senior associates and other professional personnel who expect to work on the project, whether or not funds are sought for their support, the following must be included:

    (i) An estimate of the time commitments necessary;

    (ii) Curriculum Vitae. The curriculum vitae should be limited to a presentation of academic and research credentials, e.g., educational, employment and professional history, and honors and awards. Unless pertinent to the project, it should not include meetings attended, seminars given, or personal data such as birth date, martial status, or community activities; and

    (iii) Publication List(s). A chronological list of all publications in refereed journals during the past five years, including those in press, must be provided for each professional project member for whom a curriculum vitae is provided. Also list other non-refereed technical publications that have relevance to the proposed project. Authors should be listed in the same order as they appear on each paper cited, along with the title and complete reference as these usually appear in journals.